Popular articles What is the moral of the story three questions by Leo Tolstoy?

What is the moral of the story three questions by Leo Tolstoy?

What is the moral of the story three questions by Leo Tolstoy?

The moral of the story is to live in the present moment, rather than grumbling about the past and being anxious about tomorrow. Thus the answers to the King’s questions are moral lessons that enable happy living.

What were the three questions of the Tsar?

Unlock The tsar wants to know the answers to three questions that he hopes will make him a more effective ruler. They are as follows: What’s the right time to begin everything? Who are the right people to listen to and whom to avoid?

What are the three questions put up by the king to hermit?

He greeted the king and continued digging. The hermit was old and weak, and as he worked, he breathed heavily. The king went up to the hermit and said, “I have come to you, wise hermit, to ask you to answer three questions: How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time?

How did the Hermit answer the three questions?

It is the only time when one has any power to act. The hermit answered the second question by saying that the most necessary person is the person you are with at a particular moment. The hermit’s response to the third question was that the most important thing is to do good for the person one is with.

What are the three takeaways from the story the three questions?


  • It said us the importance of time, so we had never to waste it.
  • It tell us importance of people so we have to respect all the people.
  • It also tell us that humanity is first prospect of all human so we should always do good of others.

What was the first question of Tsar?

The first question asked by the Tsar was, what was the right time to start any work. Some learned men advised him to draw up in advance, a table of days, months and years and live strictly according to it. Others advised him to do the most needful work without wasting time.

How did the Tsar get his answers?

The hermit said this to the Tsar in the story ‘Three Questions’. The Tsar requested the hermit to answer his questions several times but the hermit did not answer. According to the hermit experience is the best teacher. So, the Tsar was answered by his own experience.

What was the reward for answering the three question?

Answer: The reward for answering the three questions was a large sum of money . The king had three questions, which were : (i) what is the right time to begin something?

Who gave the correct answer to the three question of the king?

Answer: The king went up to the hermit and said, “I have come to you, wise hermit, to ask you to answer three questions: How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time? Who are the people I need most? And what affairs are the most important?” The hermit listened to the king, but did not speak.

Did the hermit answer the king’s question?

Answer: The hermit finally pointed out the answers to the king’s questions through the incident that had just occured. He deliberately tested the king’s patience and made him dig the ground and wait for the answers.

Is the story the three questions by Leo Tolstoy true?

Amen, Annie! WHAT AN AMAZING STORY!! It once occurred to a certain king that if he always knew the right time to begin everything; if he knew who were the right people to listen to, and whom to avoid; and, above all, if he always knew what was the most important thing to do, he would never fail in anything he might undertake.

What was the most important occupation of Leo Tolstoy?

Leo Tolstoy. To the third question, as to what was the most important occupation, some replied that the most important thing in the world was science. Others said it was skill in warfare; and others, again, that it was religious worship.

Who is the author of the three questions?

Three Questions is a short story written by Leo Tolstoy. This is a story of a King who wanted to become a successful ruler. He thought that he could become a better ruler if he knew the right time to begin a new venture, who were the right people to advise him and what was the most important thing to do.

What was the answer to the first question in the three questions?

And learned men came to the king, but they all answered his questions differently. In reply to the first question, some said that to know the right time for every action, one must draw up in advance a table of days, months, and years, and must live strictly according to it. Only thus, said they, could everything be done at its proper time.