Common questions How do I enable FileInfo extension in xampp?

How do I enable FileInfo extension in xampp?

How do I enable FileInfo extension in xampp?

You need to enable the fileinfo PHP extension. On xampp you basically need to edit the php. ini file and uncomment the line which enables the extension. You should find the php.

How do I enable PHP extension in FileInfo?

How do I enable FileInfo in PHP

  1. Find the PHP installation, look in the ext folder and make sure the file php_fileinfo. dll is present.
  2. In the PHP installation, look for the php. ini file and open it with Notepad or similar text editor.
  3. Search for php_fileinfo. dll and you may find a commented out section.

How do I enable PHP FileInfo extension in Cpanel?


  1. Navigate to Software -> EasyApache4.
  2. Click the button that says Customize next to Currently Installed Packages.
  3. Click PHP Extensions.
  4. Search for Fileinfo in the search bar and select the extensions you would like to install.
  5. Click Review.

How do I enable my APCu extension?

Installing PHP Packages

  1. APCu. To install APCu you need to run this command: sudo apt install php-apcu
  2. Install Memcached. With version 4.0.4 and greater of iHRIS you can use memcached to improve performance.
  3. Set ZendOpcache options.
  4. Document Root.
  5. Enable Rewrite Module.
  6. Enable .

What is JSON PHP extension?

The JSON extension is bundled and compiled into PHP by default. As of PHP 8.0. 0, the JSON extension is a core PHP extension, so it is always enabled.

What is Fileinfo PHP extension?

This extension can be enabled by default as of PHP 5.3. 0. Before this time, fileinfo was a PECL extension but no longer maintained there. Windows users must include bundled php_fileinfo. dll DLL file in php.

How do I enable disabling PHP extensions in cPanel?

How to Enable/Disable PHP Extensions From cPanel? Print

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Locate Select PHP version and click on it.
  3. Choose your desired PHP version and click on Set as Current.
  4. To set the PHP extensions, Click on Switch to PHP settings.
  5. Click on the extension you wish to change, enter the value and save the settings.

What is APCu extension?

The APCu extension adds object caching functions to PHP. APCu is the official replacement for the outdated APC extension. APC provided both opcode caching (opcache) and object caching. As PHP versions 5.5 and above include their own opcache, APC was no longer compatible, and its opcache functionality became useless.

How do I install APCu cache?

Install APCu (Alternative PHP Cache) on CentOS 7

  1. Step 1 : Login to Server. At first, we need to login to our server via SSH.
  2. Step 2 : Install APCu.
  3. Step 3 : Dependency Packages for APCu.
  4. Step 4 : Restart Web Server.
  5. Step 5 : APCu Admin Page.
  6. Step 6 : Config APCu.
  7. Step 7 : Store and Fetch Data.

How do I know what PHP extensions are installed on Windows?

3 Answers

  1. Put the extension library folder under PHP’s install path. On my computer this is C:pp\php\ext . Search in your PHP. ini for “extension_dir” to find what yours is.
  2. Edit php. ini to load the extension. Find ; Dynamic Extensions ; . Add line extension=my_lib.dll.

How do I know if PHP IMAP is installed?

To check if IMAP extension is installed, please run this command: This is most probably due to a missing IMAP extension. To check if IMAP extension is installed, please run this command: php -m | grep imap.

How do I enable PHP FILEINFO in XAMPP?

Just go to your xampp php.ini and uncomment the line : You need to enable the fileinfo PHP extension. On xampp you basically need to edit the php.ini file and uncomment the line which enables the extension. You should find the php.ini file in the xampp folder.

How does the XMP file work in Photoshop?

In Photoshop, the XMP file is automatically generated when you open a camera raw file, choose the settings in the intermediary camera raw processing screen, and click OK. If you do not want the hassle of an extra file for each of your raw files you can save them in the .DNG format.

What does an XMP file association 2 do?

.XMP File Association 2. An XMP file is a markers package used by XMind, a mind mapping and brainstorming application. It contains one or more markers, which are icons used to denote special meaning such as the urgency of a task or what people are involved.

How do I uninstall a Windows service in XAMPP?

You can install or uninstall Windows services by selecting or unselecting the Svc checkbox. Uninstalling a Windows service does not uninstall the module, but it does require you to start the module manually. The XAMPP control panel includes buttons for stopping and starting modules and opening their administration consoles.