Common questions What is a CAT II approach?

What is a CAT II approach?

What is a CAT II approach?

FAA definition. A category II approach is a precision instrument approach and landing with decision height lower than 200ft (60m) but not lower than 100ft (30m), and a runway visual range less than 2400ft (800m) but not less than 1200ft (350m).

What does SA CAT II mean?

Special Authorization CAT
Authorization CAT I (SA CAT I) (to a RA DH as low as 150 ft and visibility as low as RVR 1400) and Special Authorization CAT II (SA CAT II) (formerly known as CAT II on Type I – CAT II to runways with at least a MALSR but without touchdown zone (TDZ) and/or runway centerline lights (RCL)).

What is a Category 2 airport?

Class II airports are those airports that serve scheduled operations of small air carrier aircraft and unscheduled operations of large air carrier aircraft. Class II airports are not permitted to serve scheduled large air carrier operations.

What does the sectional chart legend contain?

Aeronautical Sectional Chart Legend: Your New Best Friend The notebook also includes a legend on the first page. This legend can answer many of your questions about how to interpret an image or chart and how to identify and answer some questions related to airspace.

What does CAT II mean in aviation?

a precision instrument approach
“Category II (CAT II) operation” means a precision instrument approach and landing with a. decision height lower than 200 feet (60 meters) but not lower than 100 feet (30 meters) and a. RVR of not less than 350 meters; “Category IIIA (CAT IIIA) operation” means a precision instrument approach and landing with.

What is a Category II pilot?

Category II Pilot Authorization: A part of the holder’s instrument rating or airline transport pilot certificate (but separately issued) that authorizes the holder to conduct Cate- gory II operations as pilot in command of specified types of airplanes.

What is the difference between CAT I and CAT II?

On larger aircraft, these approaches typically are controlled by the flight control system with the flight crew providing supervision. CAT I relies only on altimeter indications for decision height, whereas CAT II and CAT III approaches use radio altimeter (RA) to determine decision height.

What is the difference between Cat 1 and Cat 2 ILS?

CAT I relies only on altimeter indications for decision height, whereas CAT II and CAT III approaches use radio altimeter (RA) to determine decision height. An ILS must shut down upon internal detection of a fault condition.

What is cat3 autoland?

The European civil aviation regulator defines CAT III autoland operations as precision instrument approaches with decision heights lower than 100 feet and runway visibility of less than 250 feet.

What is the approach lighting system with sequence?

Lighting Systems – Approach Lighting System with Sequence Flashing Lights(ALSF-2) Approach Lighting Systems (ALS) provide the basic means to transition from instrument flight to visual flight for landing. Operational requirements dictate the sophistication and configuration of the approach lighting system for a particular runway.

What are the minimum visibilites for CAT I ILS?

Operation. The required minimum visibilites for instrument approaches is influenced by the presence and type of approach lighting system. In the U.S., a CAT I ILS approach without approach lights will have a minimum required visibility of 3/4 mile, or 4000 foot runway visual range. With a 1400-foot or longer approach light system,…

How does the approach lighting system help pilots?

Approach lighting systems provide additional cues that bear a known relationship to the runway itself and help pilots to judge distance and alignment for landing.

Why do you need ALSF-2 approach lighting system?

Operational requirements dictate the sophistication and configuration of the approach lighting system for a particular runway. The ALSF-2 provides visual information on runway alignment, height perception, roll guidance, and horizontal references for Category II/III instrument approaches.