Common questions Can you look up court cases in Kentucky?

Can you look up court cases in Kentucky?

Can you look up court cases in Kentucky?

Yes, you can look up court cases in Kentucky. Usually, most Kentucky court cases can be accessed by contacting the Clerk of court on record. Kentucky courts also provide members of the public with online access to court records and information.

How many circuit courts are in Kentucky?

57 circuit courts
Kentucky is home to 57 circuit courts and 95 circuit judges. Each court represents one to four counties. These courts have jurisdiction over capital offenses, felonies, land disputes, contested probates of wills and general civil litigation in disputes involving more than $4,000.

Is Kentucky an open records state?

All public records, whether they are stored in a computer or on paper, must be open for inspection unless the records are exempted by one or more of the fourteen exemptions found in the Act.

What’s the difference between circuit court and district court?

District courts are “lower” and have the responsibility for holding trials, while circuit courts are appellate courts that do not hold trials but only hear appeals for cases decided by the lower court. Several different district courts may fall under the same appellate (circuit) court.

Does Kentucky have a sunshine law?

The 1976 Kentucky General Assembly then passed the Open Record Law, which requires that public agencies open most of their records to the public. Through various bills, the Kentucky General Assembly has amended the Open Meetings and Open Records Laws.

How to register on kyecourts?

How to Register on KYeCourts. As a first-time user, you will need to register for an account with KYeCourts. Click the Register Now hyperlink. On the next screen, select Self-Represented Litigant (SRL) from the drop-down menu. Next, enter your email address.

What are Kentucky Circuit Courts?

The Kentucky Circuit Courts are the state courts of general jurisdiction in the U.S. state of Kentucky. The Circuit Courts are trial courts with original jurisdiction in cases involving capital offenses and other felonies; land disputes; contested probates of wills; and civil lawsuits in disputes with an amount in controversy over $5,000.

What is Kentucky Court of Appeals?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. The Kentucky Court of Appeals is the lower of Kentucky’s two appellate courts, under the Kentucky Supreme Court .

What is a circuit court clerk?

A circuit clerk is an administrator for a circuit court. These members of the judicial branch of government act as the keepers of the records for the court. Anything which is seen in court hits the desk of the circuit clerk first, and anyone who wishes to do research about cases which have been seen in court must visit the clerk.