Other How do I contact the Tarrant Appraisal District?

How do I contact the Tarrant Appraisal District?

How do I contact the Tarrant Appraisal District?

If you want to speak to a residential appraiser about your property value please call us at 817-284-3925. You could also email us at [email protected]. We’ll be happy to call you back or start an email conversation that may hopefully resolve any questions you have.

Where can I pay my property taxes in Tarrant County?

Property taxes can be paid online at

How much are my property taxes in Tarrant County?

The median home value in Tarrant County is $170,300. That may sound low, but Tarrant County property owners pay a relatively hefty median real estate tax amount of $3,581. That makes the average effective property tax rate in Tarrant County quite high at 2.10%.

What is the over 65 property tax exemption in Tarrant County Texas?

Age 65 or older and disabled exemptions: Individuals age 65 or older or disabled residence homestead owners qualify for a $10,000 homestead exemption for school district taxes, in addition to the $25,000 exemption for all homeowners. The taxing unit must decide before July 1 of the tax year to offer this exemption.

What was Azle called before it was known as Azle?

The community was first known as Elizabeth Town but was later changed to Mooresville after the owner of the only store in town. There was at that time no post office and there were only 664 settlers in all of Tarrant County.

At what age do seniors stop paying property taxes in Texas?

65 years or older
What is the property tax exemption for over 65? Homeowners aged 65 years or older qualify for this exemption. All homeowners aged 65 years or older qualify for a standard $25,000 homestead exemption. Other than this, the Texas school districts offer a $10,000 exemption for qualifying homeowners aged over 65.

What is Azle TX known for?

Interesting facts highlight Azle’s rich history. The first plank home in Azle was built of lumber hauled 280 miles from Houston, Texas in an ox-drawn wagon. Also, the Ash Creek Baptist Church, organized in 1872, was the first church to be organized in Azle.

How old is Azle Texas?

Azle is on State Highway 199, 16 miles northwest of downtown Fort Worth in the northwest corner of Tarrant County. The town extends partly into Parker County. The first recorded settlement at the site occurred in 1846, when a young doctor named James Azle Steward moved into a cabin built by a Dutchman named Rumsfeldt.