Blog How do I enable swap on fstab?

How do I enable swap on fstab?

How do I enable swap on fstab?

Activating the swap partition

  1. Pull up a terminal and run gksu gparted & and enter your root password.
  2. Right-click on your swap partition and choose *Information*.
  3. Run gksu gedit /etc/fstab & and look for the line that has *swap* in it.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Enable the new swap partition with this command.

Does swap need to be in fstab?

The fstab-entry is optional if the swap partition is located on a device using GPT. If using an SSD with TRIM support, consider using discard in the swap line in fstab. If activating swap manually with swapon, using the -d / –discard parameter achieves the same.

How do I enable swap space in Linux?

Adding Swap Space on a Linux System

  1. Become a superuser (root) by typing: % su Password: root-password.
  2. Create a file in a selected directory to add swap space by typing: dd if=/dev/zero of=/ dir / myswapfile bs=1024 count =number_blocks_needed.
  3. Verify that the file was created by typing: ls -l / dir / myswapfile.

Does swap need to be mounted?

1 Answer. Exactly, a swap space is there so that inactive memory pages get written to disk (and reread when they are used again). It makes no sense to mount a swap partition. However, with Linux at least, you still need to declare it in your fstab: the boot process will then activate it using swapon .

Is swap mounted?

The swap partition isn’t mounted like the other partitions. It is usually enabled automatically during bootup if listed in the /etc/fstab file or you can use swapon. There are several ways to check to see if its enabled.

Where should swaps be mounted?

1 Answer. Normally (IMHO), swap is set up in /etc/fstab , and activated by sudo mount -a or via swapon .

Is swap needed Linux?

Why is swap needed? If your system has RAM less than 1 GB, you must use swap as most applications would exhaust the RAM soon. If your system uses resource heavy applications like video editors, it would be a good idea to use some swap space as your RAM may be exhausted here.

How to add swap space to fstab file?

Here are the contents of fstab I am not sure how to add the swap space in terms of UUID. There is no UUID for a file. Simply enter it as: Since it’s directly on the root filesystem, there’s no worry about the mounting order.

What to do if fstab file is wrong?

We recommend that you use the nofail option in the fstab file to enable startup to continue after errors occur in partitions that are not required for the VM to start. Change or comment out any incorrect or unnecessary lines in the fstab file to enable the VM to start correctly. Save the changes to the fstab file. Restart the virtual machine.

Why is my swap file not re-created after restart?

This article provides a resolution to an issue in which the swap file can’t be re-created after a restart of a Linux virtual machine. On Linux virtual machines (VMs) that are provisioned by cloud-init and that have the Microsoft Azure Linux Agent (waagent) installed, you may discover that the swap file is not re-created after a restart.

How to create a swap file in Linux?

1 Add the following script to /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot. root@ub1804-ephemeral:/var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot# cat #!/bin/sh if [ ! 2 Make the file executable by using the # chmod +x command. 3 Stop and Start the VM or Redeploy it from the portal, and check for swap enablement.