Other How do I fix data source name not found and no default driver specified?

How do I fix data source name not found and no default driver specified?

How do I fix data source name not found and no default driver specified?


  1. Install the driver. For both DSN and DSN-less connections, you must have the driver installed on the machine.
  2. Additionally, for DSN connections, ensure the DSN is also set up. In ODBC Data Sources (64 bit) window select to add from either the User DSN or System DSN tab.

How do I change the default driver for ODBC?

Case Study

  1. Select Start, Settings, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Data Sources (ODBC).
  2. Navigate to the System DSN tab and click Add to open the Create New Data Source dialog box.
  3. Select Microsoft Excel Driver as the driver for which you want to set up the data source.
  4. Specify a name for the data source.

How do I open ODBC Data Source Administrator?

Open the Command Prompt, or press the WIN + R keys to open the Run dialog box. Type odbcad32 and press Enter. If you’re running Windows 10 64-bit, this should launch ODBC Data Source (64-bit). Otherwise, it will open ODBC Data Source (32-bit) instead.

Where is ODBC Data Source Administrator?

In Windows, the ODBC Data Source Administrator is located in the Start menu under the Administrative Tools folder. It is also found under the Control Panel\Administrative Tools.

How do I find my DSN name?


  1. Open the library.
  2. Right click in the library and choose Properties.
  3. In the “Data Source” tab, review the “Primary data source” field to see which DSN is being used.
  4. Choose Start (> Settings, on Windows XP or Windows 10) > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)

Why is my ODBC data source name not found?

That error means that the Data Source Name (DSN) you are specifying in your connection configuration is not being found in the windows registry. It is important that your ODBC driver’s executable and linking format (ELF) is the same as your application.

Why is there no default driver in ODBC?

In reference to the error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified. That error means that the Data Source Name (DSN) you are specifying in your connection configuration is not being found in the windows registry.

How to resolve DSN in ODBC driver manager?

Check in ODBC Data Source Administrator that the DSN exists with the exact same name you are referencing it in your Python code. Additionally, you must check that the DSN indeed works. If the DSN uses a username/password, you need to also specify it in your Python code as per below example:

What is the connection string for ODBC driver 13?

Below is the connection string i am using and its system DSN. But question is, if i can access the database using same odbc connection from visual studio on the server itself why not from IIS when residing there.