Blog How do I redirect a non-www domain to www?

How do I redirect a non-www domain to www?

How do I redirect a non-www domain to www?

Click on the Redirects icon under the Domains area of your cPanel home page. Select your domain name from the drop down menu on the next line. In the redirects to text box, type in the full URL of your domain, without the www (e.g. Select the radio button next to Only redirect with www.

Should you redirect www to non-www?

Final Verdict If you have a small website, using a www domain is unnecessary. So, it is your personal choice whether you want to go for a www or a non-www domain. It would make practically no difference whatsoever, no matter which one you choose.

How do I fix 301 redirect in WordPress?

As with most tasks in WordPress, there are many ways of setting up a 301 redirect. You can use a 301 redirect WordPress plugin, your site’s . htaccess file, Yoast SEO, and even straight PHP….Method two: Use . htaccess to add 301 redirect in WordPress

  1. Locate your .htaccess file.
  2. Back up your .
  3. Add the 301 redirection code.

How do I setup a redirect?

How to Redirect a Domain?

  1. Go to the hPanel. Under the Domain category, choose the Redirects menu.
  2. You’ll see the Create a Redirect section.
  3. Click Create once you’re done.
  4. Once redirected, you’ll see the target URL ( when accessing the original URL (www.

Why does my site not have www?

In the case of Web sites that happen to work without the “www” prefix, it simply means that the administrator has decided that if there is no prefix, the IP address returned should be the IP address for the Web server. For more information, check out the links on the next page.

What is the difference between http and www in an URL?

Simply put, HTTP is the protocol that enables communication online, transferring data from one machine to another. WWW is the set of linked hypertext documents that can be viewed on web browsers (such as Firefox, Google Chrome, and more).

How to redirect WWW to non www in WordPress?

Go to Domains > Redirects on the cPanel main page. Now depending on whether you prefer the URLs with the www part or without the www part, the instructions will differ a bit. Set the type to permanent to give a 301 HTTP status code. Select the main domain from the drop down menu.

How to make 301 redirect from WWW to non-website?

Joomla is not WordPress, and it isn’t automatically make 301 redirect from www to non-website. This apparently creates a really important problem to solve which you have to manually customize your .htaccess file.

How to redirect non-www to WWW URLs in Hostinger?

To redirect a non-www URL to www, we need to place a rule in the .htaccess file. You can do it via FTP, SSH, or your control panel. Follow the steps below to edit your .htaccess file from Hostinger’s hPanel: Head over to the Files section and open File Manager.

How to redirect a website to another website?

Set the type to permanent to give a 301 HTTP status code. Select the main domain from the drop down menu. Leave the path empty, we want to redirect the entire domain. Set the URL to redirect to without the “www” part in it. Leave the “Wild Card Redirect” unchecked. Set the type to permanent which will give an HTTP 301 status code.