Common questions How do you conduct supportive supervision?

How do you conduct supportive supervision?

How do you conduct supportive supervision?

  1. Setting up a supportive supervision system.
  2. Planning regular supportive supervision visits.
  3. Conducting a supervisory visit.
  4. Follow-up activities.
  5. Setting up a supportive supervision.
  6. Planning regular supportive.

What are the elements of supportive supervision?

11 Supportive supervision encounters should typically include performance observation and comparison of actual practices with standards; facilitative feedback on performance; provision of guidelines or technical updates; ascertaining opportunities for improvement; problem solving as a team and follow-up of previously …

What are the objectives of supportive supervision?

Supportive supervision promotes quality at all levels of the health system by strengthening relationships within the system, focusing on the identification and resolution of problems and helping to optimize the allocation of resources – promoting high standards, teamwork and better two-way communication (Marquez and …

Why is supportive supervision important?

Supportive supervision is recognised as critical part of human resource management for the delivery of quality health care services. It is especially important for HIV and AIDS related health services, as the scope and the coverage of the services are rapidly expanding.

What is traditional method of supervision?

Traditional methods of supervision have been defined as where a ‘supervisor or appointed group leader is primarily held accountable for the activity and results of the work unit’ (Cole & Stover, 1999).

What are the types of supervision?

Types of Supervision: Autocratic, Laissez-faire, Democratic and Bureaucratic Supervision

  • Autocratic or Authoritarian supervision:
  • Laissez-faire or free-rein supervision:
  • Democratic supervision:
  • Bureaucratic supervision:

What is the difference between mentorship and supportive supervision?

The World Health Organization defines clinical mentoring as a “systematic process of practical training and consultations that foster ongoing professional development to yield sustainable high quality clinical care outcomes.” Supportive supervision is a process designed to improve the quality care and treatment service …

How does supervision help staff members and volunteers?

Supervision geared toward helping staff members and volunteers gain competency makes them feel supported and valued, and makes the organization more competent and effective as well. Supervision can explain the requirements and responsibilities of staff members’ and volunteers’ positions,…

What do you need to know about supporting staff and volunteers?

Supporting staff and volunteers mean providing them with the right training, backing them up, rewarding them for their work, supervising them properly and regularly, keeping their morale high, and making sure they have whatever they need to do their jobs successfully.

Why is good supervision important in an organization?

Good supervision benefits both the individuals supervised and the organization: Supervision geared toward helping staff members and volunteers gain competency makes them feel supported and valued, and makes the organization more competent and effective as well.

What are the responsibilities of A superviser in an organization?

They’re responsible for making sure their supervisees have the knowledge, materials, space, etc. they need to do a good job, and they’re responsible as well for making sure work gets done well and on time. That’s the practical side of supervision, and it can determine whether or not the organization reaches its goals.