Common questions How do you convert kJ mol to J mol?

How do you convert kJ mol to J mol?

How do you convert kJ mol to J mol?

Re: How to convert kJ/mol to J Answer: Cancel out the 1/mol unit by dividing by the Avogadro constant. Then convert kJ to J by multiplying the kJ value by 1000 (because of the conversion factor 1 kJ = 1000 J).

How do you convert JG to kJ mol?

In order to convert kilojoules per gram to kilojoules per mole, you need to multiply by grams per mole. Now, let’s say that you’re dealing with a compound that has a molar mass of x g mol−1 . This tells you that 1 mole of this compound has a mass of x g .

How do you convert joules to Mols to joules?

Since 1 mole = 6.02214076×1023 particles (atoms, molecules, ions etc.), 1 joule per mole is equal to 1 joule divided by 6.02214076×1023 particles, 1.66054×10−24 joule per particle.

How do you convert J to KJ?

To convert a joule measurement to a kilojoule measurement, divide the energy by the conversion ratio. The energy in kilojoules is equal to the joules divided by 1,000.

How do you convert from KJ to J?

To convert a kilojoule measurement to a joule measurement, multiply the energy by the conversion ratio. The energy in joules is equal to the kilojoules multiplied by 1,000.

How to convert kJ g−1 to kJ mol−1?

Your goal here is to convert kilojoules per gram, kJ g−1, to kilojoules per mole, kJ mol−1, which is equivalent to saying that you need to convert the amount of energy per unit of mass to the amount of energy per unit of mole. In order to do that, you essentially need to use a conversion factor that will take you from grams to moles.

How do you convert grams to moles in math?

In order to do that, you essentially need to use a conversion factor that will take you from grams to moles. As you know, this conversion factor is the molar mass of the given compound. In order to convert kilojoules per gram to kilojoules per mole, you need to multiply by grams per mole.

How many J mol is in 9 kJ mol?

9 Kj/mol to J/mol = 9000 J/mol 10 Kj/mol to J/mol = 10000 J/mol

How to convert EV / atom to kJ / mol?

To convert ev/atom to kJ/mol, first convert it to kJ/atom using 1 eV = 1.6021765×10⁻²² kJ (1/1000 of JB’s value for joules) and then multiply by Avogadro’s number 6.0221468×10²³. Or combine the two steps and convert to kJ by multiplying by 96.484934. To then convert to kcal/mol divide by exactly 4.184.