To place the letter balls in the solution slots, use your mouse to click them, or type the letters on the keyboard.
You can click Twist to rearrange the letters to help you guess words.
What does it mean to twist someone’s words?
: to repeat what someone said in a way that has a different meaning He twisted my words and made it seem like I was angry.
Who made Text Twist?
Text Twist is a word game made by GameHouse that tests your mental and grammar skills.
What is the meaning of twisting someone’s arm?
1 : to grab someone’s arm and bend it in order to cause pain He twisted my arm behind my back and forced me into the car. 2 informal : to try to force someone to do something My wife really had to twist my arm to get me to apologize to my boss.
What is it called when someone twists the truth?
Sophism, and by extent, Sophists, are individuals who use logic to twist the meanings of words in order to present themselves in a better light, or otherwise twist logic to suit their needs.
What does lose your touch mean?
: to no longer have the ability to do things that one was able to do successfully in the past His last album flopped; he seems to be losing his touch.
What is the idiom of having sticky fingers?
sticky fingers. A propensity to steal, as in You’d better not leave any cash around; she’s known for her sticky fingers. This metaphor makes it seem as if valuables adhere naturally to a thief’s fingers. [ Colloquial; late 1800s]
How do you respond when someone twists your words?
Helpful phrases, all of which you should utter in a calm, pleasant but firm tone to show how reasonable you are being, include:
“That’s not what I said. You’re twisting my words, and I’m done here.” And then walk away.