Blog How do you reply to an email with attachments?

How do you reply to an email with attachments?

How do you reply to an email with attachments?

More than One Solution: Reply with Attachments in OutlookClick the email containing the attachment.Right click on the attachment, and click on ‘Select All’.Now your attachment or attachments will be selected, right click on them, and select ‘Copy’.Hit reply in the email message.

How do I reply to an email without an attachment?

Click on the ‘Reply’ (← Left curling arrow symbol) to see a forwarded message on-screen (See ‘A’ below) Click the ‘X’ to the right of the original sender’s address (See ‘B’) Enter the new forwarding address on a message that has no attachment wince replies do NOT automatically include attachments.

How do you reply to an original message?

Click the File > Options. 2.: In the Outlook Options dialog box, click the Mail in the left bar. 3. Go to the Replies and forwards section, click the When replying to a message: box, and select the Attach original message.

Why does attachment disappear in outlook?

Another common reason for this to happen is when you are sending in RTF-format and the message doesn’t get properly converted to the HTML or Plain Text format. Especially in the cases where they receive a winmail. dat attachment it is very likely that Rich Text is to blame here but it can be absent as well.

Why is there a paperclip but no attachment on text messages?

If all your emails have the paperclip indicating an attachment, but there is no attachment on the email, it usually means that Outlook Express is configured to read all messages as plain text and you are viewing a message that was sent in HTML format.

Why is my attachment showing in body of email?

Usually this has to do with the format of the email. When you send new email messages through Outlook, by default they are set to be HTML emails. However, some mail programs use Rich Text or Plain Text messaging. If you are replying to a Rich Text email, you’ll notice that the attachment goes in the body of the email.

How do I get attachments to show in Outlook?

To view attachments in Conversation View:Click on the View tab.Click Conversation Settings (in the Messages group).Select the option Always Expand Selected Conversation.