Common questions How do you store merckens Chocolate wafers?

How do you store merckens Chocolate wafers?

How do you store merckens Chocolate wafers?

Store in a cool, dry, and odorless environment. To avoid condensation, DO NOT place in refrigerator or freezer. Condensation can develop when wafers are removed and brought back to room temperature. This will potentially add water to the wafers and they will become thick when melted.

Do melting chocolates expire?

Do Candy Melts Expire? Though they will last a while if stored properly, Candy Melts are best used within 18 months of the date they were made.

Can you freeze merckens chocolate?

I don’t really think that your problems are with the Merckens chocolate wafers, but rather with your methods. If you absolutely MUST refrigerate or freeze the chocolate, cover it immediately when you remove it from the fridge/freezer to help reduce moisture build up on the surface as it returns to room temperature.

Can old chocolate make you sick?

Expired candy can also carry microbes that can make you sick. Aramouni, who studies food safety and food allergies in his lab, said that there have even been cases of salmonella poisoning from the consumption of old chocolate.

How long does chocolate mold candy last?

Filled/molded chocolates: within 6 weeks. Tablets/bars, mendiants & solid chocolates: within 6 months. Pavés & Corks (meltways): within 14 days.

What’s the difference between melting chocolate and chocolate chips?

Wafers make perfect melting chocolate. Unlike, chips, they do not hold their shape. They melt smoothly and set up firmly when used.

Can you mix candy melts and chocolate?

Mixing “real” chocolate with candy melts shouldn’t be a problem, in my opinion. I’ve mixed various chocolates together for dipping purposes and have had no trouble with it. As for tempering, if you are careful when melting and you don’t get the chocolate too hot, you can probably get by without tempering.

How long do chocolate molds last?

Truffles: within 14 days. Filled/molded chocolates: within 6 weeks. Tablets/bars, mendiants & solid chocolates: within 6 months.

Does merckens chocolate taste good?

I finally found a store that sold good chocolate, and it turned out to be Merckens, which came with high recommendations from the chocolatiers. It tastes good and has that sheen that makes finished candies look enticing.