Other How do you treat split tear of the peroneus brevis tendon?

How do you treat split tear of the peroneus brevis tendon?

How do you treat split tear of the peroneus brevis tendon?

Supportive therapy with ankle bracing and analgesics is the mainstay of therapy, but surgical repair is often required in patients with ongoing symptoms. Surgical options include debridement, tubularization, or, in severe cases, resection of the damaged tendon and tenodesis.

What causes longitudinal split tear of the peroneus brevis tendon?

A longitudinal tear of the peroneal tendon is thought to be the result of repetitive peroneal subluxation [2,3,4]. However, this report documents a case of longitudinal split of the peroneus brevis tendon that had no peroneal tendon subluxation.

What causes a peroneus brevis tear?

Possible causes include subluxing peroneal tendons, a sharp posterior ridge of the fibula, overcrowding of the peroneal groove, instability of the superior peroneal retinaculum, lateral ankle instability, contraction of the peroneus longus, hypovascularity of the peroneus brevis tendon, and a shallow peroneal groove of …

Can a torn peroneal tendon heal without surgery?

Tendons connect muscle-to-bone and allow them to exert their force across the joints that separate bones. Ligaments, on the other hand, connect bone-to-bone. ​The vast majority of peroneal tendinosis will heal without surgery. This is because it is an overuse injury and can heal with rest.

How long does a split tendon take to heal?

Healing can take up to 12 weeks. The injured tendon may need to be supported with a splint or cast to take tension off of the repaired tendon. Physical therapy or occupational therapy is usually necessary to return movement in a safe manner. Expect movement to return gradually, with some stiffness.

Can a split tendon repair itself?

If left unattended, the tendon will not heal on its own and you will have lasting repercussions. In such situations, a surgeon will access the injured tendon, perform repairs, and close the incision. This will be followed by several weeks of rest and physical therapy so you can heal and strengthen your body.

What is a peroneus brevis tendon tear?

Peroneus brevis tendon tears are acute or chronic, and may be asymptomatic or associated with lateral ankle pain and/or instability. They commonly occur at the level of the retromalleolar groove.

Is a peroneal tendon tear painful?

Peroneal tendonitis is often associated with burning pain along the outside of the foot, ankle, and lower leg that increases with activity and decreases with rest. Peroneal tendon tears have similar symptoms to tendonitis but athletes may also experience a sharp, tearing kind of pain.

What kind of tear is the peroneus brevis tendon?

Longitudinal split tear of the peroneus brevis tendon. The peroneus longus tendon has moved forward into the gap and contacts the fibular surface. Flat to convex retromalleolar groove.

Can a torn peroneus brevis cause ankle pain?

Tears of the peroneus brevis tendon may cause ankle pain, swelling, and instability. Supportive therapy with ankle bracing and analgesics is the mainstay of therapy, but surgical repair is often required in patients with ongoing symptoms.

How to tell if you have a split brevis tendon?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the right ankle showed that the peroneal brevis tendon was flattened to the borders of both the medial and lateral aspects of the peroneal longus, consistent with a split tendon ( Figure 2 ). Ankle joint effusion also was present.

What is the accuracy of MRI for peroneus brevis tear?

MRI has variable reported accuracy for clinically or surgically confirmed injury, with positive predictive value as low as 48% 2 and sensitivity/specificity as high as 83% and 75%, respectively 7. MR findings that suggest peroneus brevis tear include: morphologic abnormality of peroneus brevis tendon 4: