Helpful tips How much is an 1830 Book of Mormon worth?

How much is an 1830 Book of Mormon worth?

How much is an 1830 Book of Mormon worth?

APPRAISER: With the family provenance and genealogy in it and the unusual condition, for insurance purposes, I’d suggest the book has a value of around $100,000.

What is the value of an original Book of Mormon?

A few decades ago, a first-edition Book of Mormon might sell for several thousands of dollars. Today one typically sells for around $100,000, possibly many times that if it’s a book with significant provenance, Moon said. In February, a first-edition copy of the Book of Mormon sold for $80,000.

Why is the Book of Mormon valuable?

The Book of Mormon clarifies Christ’s doctrine and brings the fulness of the gospel to the earth once again (see 1 Nephi 13:38–41). For example, the Book of Mormon helps us know that baptism must be performed by immersion (see 3 Nephi 11:26) and that little children do not need to be baptized (see Moroni 8:4–26).

What are the oldest Book of Mormon?

It was first published in March 1830 by Joseph Smith as The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi….

Book of Mormon
Language English
Period 19th century

Who bought the original Book of Mormon?

(Photo courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) The printer’s manuscript was sold to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for $35 million. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints now owns the printer’s manuscript of the Book of Mormon — for $35 million, the sellers say.

How many original Book of Mormons exist?

There were originally 5,000 first-edition copies of the Book of Mormon, and some collectors estimate that fewer than 500 may remain today.

Can the Book of Mormon be true?

To the LDS faithful, the Book of Mormon is the true historical account of a group of ancient Israelites who fled Jerusalem prior to the Babylonian captivity (600 B.C.E.) and later journeyed to the Americas to establish a new civilization.

Why do we need both the Book of Mormon and the Bible?

The Bible and Book of Mormon support each other The Book of Mormon confirms what the Bible says about Jesus Christ and clarifies many other Christian doctrines. Both books are evidence that God lives and wants to help all of His children.

What does the Bible say about the Book of Mormon?

“For behold, this [the Book of Mormon] is written for the intent that ye may believe that [the Bible]; and if ye believe that ye will believe this also; and if ye believe this ye will know concerning your fathers, and also the marvelous works which were wrought by the power of God among them (Mormon 7:8–9).”

Where can I find the 1830 Book of Mormon?

Private collector of rare Mormon books, the 1830 first edition Book of Mormon, Mormon art and artifacts, historic Mormon paintings, autographed historical documents, early Mormon historical photographs, Mormon imprints from Palmyra, Zion, Kirtland, and Nauvoo, and anything related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Home

How much did it cost to print the Book of Mormon?

Nevertheless, the printed Book of Mormon is merely a copy, manufactured with purpose to be sold. Joseph Smith once owned five thousand copies of the first edition Book of Mormon, which cost him three thousand dollars to print.

Is the Book of Mormon a rare book?

Since 1981, he has been writing about rare Mormon documents. Since 1991, half of all new discoveries in Mormon history have been by him.” Specializing in the (Palmyra, 1830) first edition Book of Mormon. Selling your Rare Materials