he’s a neutral character – neither good nor bad. mordred had his faults. he had lost hopes and his dreams were crushed. perhaps if kara still lived, then he wouldn’t have turn to morgana for help.
Can you change from good to evil in Aqw?
After the Drakath Cutscene with Sepulchure vs. Atleon, there are other quests to do to complete the prologue. After that simply talk to Gravelyn again in Shadowfall – Evil Reputation – Switch to Evil.
Is Chaos good or evil?
At that time, the rulebook specified that “chaotic behavior is usually the same as behavior that could be called ‘evil'”. Neutral creatures and characters believe in the importance of both groups and individuals, and felt that law and chaos are both important.
Why is King Arthur a girl?
It was determined that a Female main character with a Male Servant wouldn’t sell as well as a Male main character with a Female Servant. So once that was settled on the easiest thing to do was to just swap the genders, and so bam, female King Arthur is born.
How did Merlin get Mordred back to the Druids?
Although Merlin tries to treat the wound, he is unsuccessful and is forced to tell Gaius that he and Morgana are hiding the boy from Uther. Gaius agrees to treat the boy, but will not help them return Mordred to the Druids.
How did Mordred help Arthur and Merlin escape?
Morgana, accompanied by Mordred, then tracks down Arthur and tries to kill him while Merlin is incapacitated. Mordred, in order to repay his debt, then stabs Morgana which allows Arthur and Merlin to escape with their lives. He is then taken back to Camelot and is knighted.
Why did Mordred tell Merlin about the girl?
Merlin, growing suspicious, asks Mordred what he’s up to and the knight then reveals everything to him while asking that it be kept a secret. Merlin betrays this trust and tells Arthur about the girl, who is arrested after trying to kill Arthur and is sentenced to death.
How did Merlin kill Mordred in The Wizard of Oz?
Merlin does attempt to indirectly kill an escaping Mordred by tripping him with his magic and letting two soldiers kill him. The plan fails, however, when Mordred kills the soldiers with a couple of spears.