Helpful tips Is penal in English word?

Is penal in English word?

Is penal in English word?

penal adjective (PUNISHMENT) of or relating to punishment given by law: Many people believe that execution has no place in the penal system of a civilized society. He had been in and out of penal institutions (= prison) from the age of 16.

What is penal offense?

A penal offense. adjective. 1. Subject to punishment; punishable.

What part of speech is penal?

PENAL (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

How do you use penal in a sentence?

Penal in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Using that drug outdoors is a penal offense, but using it indoors is permissible.
  2. The new penal code allows for more lenient punishments for certain misdemeanor crimes.
  3. Some individuals within the state’s penal institution are provided an opportunity to earn a skill or trade in jail.

What is a penel?

1 : of, relating to, or involving punishment, penalties, or punitive institutions. 2 : liable to punishment a penal offense. 3 : used as a place of confinement and punishment a penal colony.

What is non penal?

: not criminal : not relating to, involving, or being a crime a noncriminal civil offense : not guilty of or prone to criminal activity …

Why is it called a penal code?

The Penal Code enacted by the California State Legislature in February 1872 was derived from a penal code proposed by the New York code commission in 1865 which is frequently called the Field Penal Code after the most prominent of the code commissioners, David Dudley Field II (who did draft the commission’s other …

What is the opposite of penal?

penal. Antonyms: remunerative, reparatory, decorative, honorary. Synonyms: retributive, coercive, visitatorial, castigatory, inflictive, corrective, punitive.

What is a penal sentence?

adj. 1 of, relating to, constituting, or prescribing punishment. 2 payable as a penalty. a penal sum. 3 used or designated as a place of punishment.

What is the difference between panel and Pannel?

As nouns the difference between panel and pannel is that panel is a (usually) rectangular section of a surface, or of a covering or of a wall, fence etc; (architecture) a sunken compartment with raised margins, moulded or otherwise, as in ceilings, wainscotings, etc while pannel is .

What is the difference between criminal and non criminal?

As adjectives the difference between criminal and noncriminal. is that criminal is being against the law; forbidden by law while noncriminal is (legal) not criminal; civil.