Common questions What are the climb profile speeds of the A320?

What are the climb profile speeds of the A320?

What are the climb profile speeds of the A320?

The Airbus will climb 250 knots up to 10,000 feet, then accelerate to 300 knots or a little more, then transition to Mach . 8 around 24,000 feet. The Airbus is more of a cruise climb, where the higher speed is near cruise speed but the rate of climb is less than the 737. The A321 at high weights does not climb rapidly.

What is aircraft climb rate?

In aeronautics, the rate of climb (RoC) is an aircraft’s vertical speed, that is the positive or negative rate of altitude change with respect to time.

How many feet per minute can an Airbus A320 climb?

That’s near enough 57,000 feet/minute. If you’re at high speed and willing to trade speed for altitude, an Airbus A320 is physically capable of climbing at much higher rates than 6000 feet per minute…. At least until it runs out of airspeed.

What’s the maximum climb rate for an A319?

At max takeoff weight, the normal climb speeds above 10,000′ are about 300 kts for the A319 rising to about 330 kts for the A321. 70,000kgs and 93,000 respectively. In an emergency however, it is all a measure of what speed you were doing, and how much of it you are willing to trade for altitude.

What are the climb rates during the different phases of flight?

What are the climb rates during the different phases of flight of an A320? I have read about common climb rates for an A320. It is said that the initial climb rate for an A320 is between 15-20° and it differs depending on the weight and also the altitude.

Which is the best drag speed for A320 / 321?

Green Dot is the minimum drag speed and will therefore give you the best angle. What I am after is the best rate. For an average 320/321 at mid altitudes and average weights it should be in the region of 275 Knots or so. If you were only at Green Dot at FL 300, you would be using quite a bit less than maximum thrust.