Blog What are the different growth patterns of the cartilage?

What are the different growth patterns of the cartilage?

What are the different growth patterns of the cartilage?

Now, cartilage has two patterns of growth, appositional growth and interstitial growth.

What is the source of cartilage development?

Chondrification (also known as chondrogenesis) is the process by which cartilage is formed from condensed mesenchyme tissue, which differentiates into chondroblasts and begins secreting the molecules (aggrecan and collagen type II) that form the extracellular matrix.

What are the mechanisms of cartilage growth?

Two distinct mechanisms of tissue growth have been recognized: appositional growth, or growth at a tissue surface, and interstitial growth, or growth within tissue volume (12).

What are the two types of growth in cartilage?

Cartilage growth occurs through two different processes: interstitial growth and appositional growth. Interstitial growth occurs within the cartilage through mitotic division of the existing chondrocytes.

What are the steps of interstitial growth of cartilage?

Growth of cartilage is attributable to two processes: Interstitial growth which includes: Cell division of the chondrocytes….Appositional growth which includes:

  • Differentiation of the chondroblasts or perichondrial cells.
  • Synthesis of the extracellular matrix.
  • Expansion of the girth of the cartilage.

What is cartilage and its importance?

Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that keeps joint motion fluid by coating the surfaces of the bones in our joints and by cushioning bones against impact. This smooth, transparent, glassy type of cartilage coats the ends of the bone surfaces, reducing friction in the joints.

What is interstitial growth in bones?

Interstitial growth is a bone growth which results in the lengthening of the bone. This growth occurs within the lacunae. It happens due to the cell division in the proliferative zone and the maturation of cells in the zone of maturation. Cartilage lengthens and is replaced by bone tissue during interstitial growth.

Is it possible to grow taller via articular cartilage?

You may be able to grow taller via articular cartilage which can undergo endochondral ossification. The problem is that the ligaments prevent the tensile strain needed to stimulate this except in the jaw. It may be possible to cause tensile strain by lateral compression of the articular cartilage(flattening like a pancake).?

What are the steps of bone development?

Once a young bone is formed, the growth takes place in three steps. A long bone grows in length my multiplication of cells in the epiphyseal plate of cartilage. The cartilage cells divide and increase in number. The zone of active division in the epiphyseal plate of cartilage lies towards the epiphysis (end of the bone).

What is appositional cartilage growth?

Appositional growth is a type of growth that occurs when new layers of cartilage are formed on the surface of pre-existing cartilage layers. It results in outward expansion due to the formation of cartilage matrix on the outside of the tissue.

What is endochondral ossification?

Endochondral ossification is a process where bone replaces cartilage. It occurs during fetal development and throughout childhood as the bones of the body grow.