Popular articles What are the merits and demerits of non-conventional energy sources?

What are the merits and demerits of non-conventional energy sources?

What are the merits and demerits of non-conventional energy sources?

(i)Non-conventional sources of energy are inexhaustible. They do not pollute the environment. (ii)Nuclear power is emits large amounts of energy. (iii)Non-conventional sources of energy are low cost and easy to operate.

What are the merits of non-conventional sources of energy?

1. Cheaper and Renewable: Most of the Non-conventional Power resources are cheaper and renewable as compared to the conventional sources. 2. Scarcity of Fossil Fuels: The overall limitation and scarcity of fossil fuels has given rise to the urgent need for exploiting alternative energy sources.

What are the disadvantages of non-conventional source of energy?

The Disadvantages of Non-Conventional Sources of Energy

  • Inconsistent, Unreliable Supply.
  • Pollution.
  • Harmful to Wildlife and Surrounding Environment.
  • High Cost.
  • Not Every Non-Conventional Energy Source Is Commercially Viable.
  • Location-Specificity Means Lower Chances of Universality.
  • Low Efficiency Levels.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of nonrenewable resources?

Advantages and disadvantages of non-renewable energy

  • Non-renewable resources are high in energy.
  • Huge profits can be generated in the mining of coal, selling of oil or the construction of natural gas pipelines.
  • These resources are easy to use whether in a home or anywhere else.

What is the future of non conventional sources of energy?

Renewable fuels are expected to grow faster than fossil fuels, although fossil fuels will account for more than three-quarters of world energy consumption through 2040. Natural gas is expected to be the fastest-growing fossil fuel in the future, with global natural gas consumption increasing by 1.4% per year.

What is a disadvantage of renewable energy?

One disadvantage with renewable energy is that it is difficult to generate the quantities of electricity that are as large as those produced by traditional fossil fuel generators. Another disadvantage of renewable energy sources is the reliability of supply.

Which is non conventional sources of energy?

Energy generated by using wind, solar, small hydro, tides, geothermal heat and biomass is known a non-conventional energy. All these sources are renewable process of energy generation and do not cause environmental pollution. Our country has been endowed with adequate natural resources.

How are non conventional sources useful to us?

Non conventional sources of energy include solar, wind, tidal, geothermal. bio gas etc. They are relevant because : Use of non conventional sources of energy is in tune with objective of sustainable development as it does not cause environmental hazards.

What are 3 disadvantages of non-renewable resources?

List of the Disadvantages of Non-Renewable Energy

  • Non-renewable energies lead to high levels of pollution.
  • Fossil fuels may not be available forever.
  • Non-renewable products can become the foundation of political conflict.
  • Fossil fuel combustion is dangerous to our health.

What is the most disadvantage of renewable energy?

Disadvantages of Renewable Energy

  1. The Electricity Generation Capacity is Still Not Large Enough.
  2. Renewable Energy Can be Unreliable.
  3. Low-efficiency Levels.
  4. Requires a Huge Upfront Capital Outlay.
  5. Takes a Lot of Space to Install.
  6. Expensive Storage Costs.
  7. Not Always a Commercially-viable Option.
  8. It Still Generates Pollution.

What is a disadvantage of renewable energy Mcq?

The correct answer is option (B) Unreliable supply. The major disadvantage of renewable energy sources is the unreliable supply.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of conventional sources of energy?

Following are the two disadvantages of conventional energy sources: What are the advantages of non-conventional sources of energy? Below are some advantages of non-conventional sources of energy: What is the importance of the non-conventional source of energy?

What are the advantages of non conventional resources?

Non conventional resources are those energy resources which can be used again and again. It means renewable resources are those which can be reused without much efforts and energy can be received at much lower cost.

What are the different types of non convention sources of energy?

Types of Non-convention sources 1 Solar Energy 2 Wind Energy 3 Tidal Energy 4 Geothermal Energy 5 Biomass

How are wind turbines a non conventional source of energy?

Wind turbines use wind to make electricity. There is no pollution because no fossil fuels are burnt to generate electricity. One of India’s largest windmill farm is in Kanyakumari which generates 380mW of electricity. Biomass is the organic matter that originates from plants, animals, wood, sewage.