Common questions What are the shoots coming out of my orchid?

What are the shoots coming out of my orchid?

What are the shoots coming out of my orchid?

Orchid shoots produce leaves or flower stems, which are also called spikes. Generally, once a spike has finished blooming, it dies. Phalaenopsis is different from other commercially available orchids because it may set a second round of flower buds on a spike after its first set of blossoms dies.

Do orchids grow new shoots?

Orchids will grow new stems, fortunately. You can propagate a new Phalaenopsis or Vanda orchids from stem cuttings. Or you can divide a cattleya’s rhizomes. You can also expect a flower spike to grow back after cutting it down when its blooms die.

Do orchids sprout new stems?

You should wait to stake a new growth until you see that it is in fact a flower spike and is as tall as the stake itself. Quite often, Phalaenopsis orchids will send up new leaves and new roots shortly before producing a new flower stalk.

Can dead orchids be revived?

You can only bring back your orchid if it’s still alive. If the roots are firm and pale, they’re alive and healthy, but if all roots have turned brown and mushy, they’re dead — and that means your orchid is no longer able to absorb water and nutrients to survive.

Do orchids like tight pots?

Orchids like to be snug in their pot and the ratio of roots to potting mix should be about equal. Instead of growing more roots to fill the space the roots stay wet, the potting mix stays soggy, and the health of the orchid deteriorates.

Where are the new leaves on an orchid?

Now leaves (shoots of new plant) are growing out of the stem, about half-way up the stem and not at the base of the plant. What is going to happen with these new shoots? Will they grow roots? May I cut them off already now (without eventual roots) and just put them in bark, in the hope they will grow roots and a new orchid plant?

When to stake an orchid with new growth?

You should wait to stake a new growth until you see that it is in fact a flower spike and is as tall as the stake itself. Quite often, Phalaenopsis orchids will send up new leaves and new roots shortly before producing a new flower stalk.

Are there any orchids that grow new stems?

Vanda orchids are excellent examples of monopodial orchids. And yes, new ones do grow when you cut existing stems from monopodial orchids. It is one of the methods of propagating them, as shown in this video: Rhizomes are stems that can grow roots, stems, flowers, and pseudobulbs.

When to cut flower spikes on an orchid?

The thing with orchids and their flower spikes is that one flower spike can mean that your plant will be blooming for several months and even up to a year, especially with a Phalaenopsis, where new blooms can appear even after flowers have opened. You only cut a flower spike after the flowers have died, and no new growth appears on it.