Blog What did Johnny mean by Stay Gold Ponyboy?

What did Johnny mean by Stay Gold Ponyboy?

What did Johnny mean by Stay Gold Ponyboy?

“Stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem that Ponyboy recites to Johnny when the two hide out in the Windrixville Church. One line in the poem reads, “Nothing gold can stay,” meaning that all good things must come to an end. Here, Johnny urges Ponyboy to remain gold, or innocent.

How does Ponyboy stay gold in the outsiders?

Expert Answers To “stay gold” means to remain unspoiled, pure, and fresh. The line is something that Johnny tells Ponyboy as Johnny is dying. Johnny recalls a famous Robert Frost poem that Ponyboy recited to him when the two were in hiding after their fight with the Socs.

What did Ponyboy do stay gold?

In his dying breaths, he implores Ponyboy to “stay gold” — to continue to be good no matter the situation and always look for the right thing to do in any circumstance … regardless of how hard it may be.

Does Johnny say Stay Gold Ponyboy?

What do Johnny’s last words mean? Right before he dies in the hospital, Johnny says “Stay gold, Ponyboy.” Ponyboy cannot figure out what Johnny means until he reads the note Johnny left. Johnny writes that “stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem Ponyboy shared when they were hiding at the church.

Why is Dally so broken after Johnny’s death?

How does Dally react to Johnny’s death? Dally is furious and has a breakdown because Johnny was the one person he actually cared about. Dally is furious at the doctor for not being able to save Johnny. He refuses to believe that Johnny died.

Why are Johnny’s last words so important?

Johnny was telling Ponyboy to keep a bright and fresh outlook on life and not let the setbacks spoil him and make him jaded the way Dally’s time in jail had hardened him. It was an admonition for him to stay out of trouble and keep focused on his dreams to make something of himself.

Did Sandy get pregnant in The Outsiders?

One of the Curtis brothers in S. E. Hinton’s novel, The Outsiders, Sodapop was in love with his girlfriend, Sandy. Apparently, Sandy becomes pregnant, and she moves to Florida to live with her grandparents. It is implied that the baby is not Soda’s, and that Sandy has been cheating on him.

What does stay gold, Ponyboy, Stay Gold mean?

Never lose sight of your moral and ethical compass. When Johnny Cade says, “Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold,” he is in the hospital and close to death after saving the lives of children in a burning church.

Where does stay gold, Ponyboy come from in the Outsiders?

Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold. As he lies dying in Chapter 9, Johnny Cade speaks these words to Ponyboy. “Stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem that Ponyboy recites to Johnny when the two hide out in the Windrixville Church.

Why does Johnny want Ponyboy to remain innocent?

Here, Johnny urges Ponyboy to remain gold, or innocent. Johnny now senses the uselessness of fighting; he knows that Ponyboy is better than the average hoodlum, and he wants Ponyboy to hold onto the golden qualities that set him apart from his companions.

Why did Johnny Cade say Stay gold Ponyboy?

When Johnny Cade says, “Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold,” he is in the hospital and close to death after saving the lives of children in a burning church. The entire group of Greasers have had incredibly difficult lives growing up on the wrong side of the tracks and being vilified for anything bad that happens in town.