Common questions What do you write on a health and safety poster?

What do you write on a health and safety poster?

What do you write on a health and safety poster?

The poster outlines British health and safety laws and includes a straightforward list that tells workers what they and their employers need to do. You can also add details of any employee safety representatives or health and safety contacts if you wish to do so.

What is the title of the health & safety Executive pocket card?

Health and safety law
Health and safety law (pocket card)

Where is the health and safety law poster displayed?

The poster should be displayed in a prominent position where workers can easily read it i.e. staff room, canteen or entrance to the premises. The poster outlines health and safety laws and includes a straightforward list that informs employees and visitors of their duties.

What is a health and safety law poster?

Employers are required, by law, to either display the HSE-approved law poster or to provide each of their workers with the equivalent leaflet (available as a free download). The Health and safety law poster products tell workers what they and their employers need to do in simple terms.

Where can I display my health and safety poster?

If an employer chooses to use the Health and Safety Law poster to communicate with their employees they should consider the location and quantity that they display. Health and Safety Law posters must be displayed in a prominent location on all business sites in an area that can be accessed by all employees.

What certificate should be displayed by the employer?

Employers must display their employers’ liability insurance certificate, as well as their health and safety policy, a health and safety law poster, a list of first aiders employed by the company and fire evacuation arrangements.

Is the health and safety law on a pocket card?

This is an English pocket card version of the Health and safety law poster. You may want to use this version of the Law poster to distribute to your employees for them to take away with them.

Where do you put the health and safety law poster?

Beta This is a new way of showing guidance – your feedback will help us improve it. If you employ anyone, you must display the health and safety law poster, or provide each worker with a copy of the approved leaflet or equivalent pocket card. You must display the poster where your workers can easily read it.

Do you need a health and safety card?

Other products for employees, including leaflets and pocket cards, are also available. These provide employees with an essential version of the health and safety law poster that they can carry with them around the workplace.

When do employers need to update health and safety poster?

You can also add details of any employee safety representatives or health and safety contacts if you wish to do so. The poster was updated in 2009 and all employers must display this new version, or provide each worker with a copy of the equivalent leaflet or pocket card, by no later than 5 April 2014.