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What does CCD mean in medical terms?

What does CCD mean in medical terms?

Continuity of Care Document

Status Published
Organization Health Level Seven International ASTM
Base standards XML CDA
Domain Electronic health records
Abbreviation CCD

What does CCD stand for?

Stands for “Charged Coupled Device.” CCDs are sensors used in digital cameras and video cameras to record still and moving images. The CCD captures light and converts it to digital data that is recorded by the camera. The quality of an image captured by a CCD depends on the resolution of the sensor. …

What does CCD stand for in radiology?

Charge-coupled device (CCD) detectors are used in digital radiography for the indirect conversion of x-ray photons into an electric charge (indirect because the x-ray photons are first converted into light via a scintillating screen).

What is CCD detection?

A CCD is a silicon-based multi-channel array detector of UV, visible and near-infra light. These are used for spectroscopy, since they are extremely sensitive to light. That makes these detectors suitable for analysis of the inherently weak Raman signal.

What is CCR in healthcare?

The Continuity of Care Record, or CCR, is a standard for the creation of electronic summaries of patient health. Its aim is to improve the quality of health care and to reduce medical errors by making current information readily available to physicians.

What is CCD disorder?

Cleidocranial dysplasia is a rare genetic condition that affects teeth and bones, such as the skull, face, spine, collarbones and legs. The bones in people with CCD might be formed differently or might be more fragile than normal, and certain bones such as collarbones may be absent.

Which device is related to CCD?

CCDs containing grids of pixels are used in digital cameras, optical scanners, and video cameras as light-sensing devices.

What is CCD and CCR?

The Continuity of Care Document (CCD) is built using HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) elements and contains data that is defined by the ASTM Continuity of Care Record (CCR). It is used to share summary information about the patient within the broader context of the personal health record.

How does a CCD work?

A CCD transports the charge across the chip and reads it at one corner of the array. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) then turns each pixel’s value into a digital value by measuring the amount of charge at each photosite and converting that measurement to binary form.

What is a CCD sensor?

CCD sensor. (Charge-Coupled Device sensor) An electronic memory that records the intensity of light as a variable charge. Although mostly replaced by CMOS sensors to capture images in cameras, camcorders and scanners, CCDs are still used in astronomy, microscopy and biomedical imaging because of their excellent sensitivity during long exposures.

What is a CCD camera?

A CCD camera is any type of digital camera with a charge coupled device (CCD) image sensor.