Blog What does Socrates value in the apology?

What does Socrates value in the apology?

What does Socrates value in the apology?

Socrates tells the “men of Athens” that he wants to be judged according to his account of himself and not by any other standard — such as appealing to his old age or the fact that he has children.

What does the apology say about the value of philosophy?

If we are all uniquely wise, we cannot possibly do evil, since evil deeds are the result of ignorance above all else. Thus, leading the philosophical life is a supreme moral duty, as it is the most direct way of overcoming evil.

What is the main theme of the apology?

The central theme of the dialogue is wisdom. After having spent a lifetime trying to answer the question himself, Socrates is brought to trial for corrupting the young, disbelieving in the gods that the city believed in, and teaching others to believe in new spiritual things.

What did Socrates compare himself to in the apology?

Socrates compares himself to a gadfly, who stings the lazy horse that is Athens, provoking it into action.

What is Plato trying to accomplish by writing the apology?

Plato’s speech represents his creative attempt to defend Socrates and his way of life and to condemn those who voted to kill him. In fact, Plato’s motives in writing the Apology are likely to have been complex.

Why is Plato’s Apology important?

Plato’s Apology is one of the most famous and admired texts in world literature. It offers not just a defense of Socrates the man but also a defense of the philosophical life, which is one reason it has always been popular with philosophers!

Why is Socrates called a gadfly?

Socrates also refers to himself as a gadfly because he bites, and buzzes at the self-satisfied, which, indebted them to consider matters of virtue. Socrates also refers to himself as a gadfly because he bites, and buzzes at the self-satisfied, which, indebted them to consider matters of virtue.

What does Socrates think philosophy is?

What is philosophy according to Socrates? Philosophy is an academic subject that exercises reason and logic in an attempt to understand reality and answer fundamental questions about knowledge, life, morality, virtue, and human nature.

Why is the Apology by Plato important?

What is the best way to describe what Apology means in this context of the text the Apology by Plato?

What is the BEST way to describe what ‘apology’ means in this context of the text The Apology by Plato? An explanation and defense Having regrets and making amends. Staying neutral without giving an opinion Admitting one is wrong and guilty.

What was the purpose of Plato’s the apology?

by: Plato. Plato’s The Apology is an account of the speech Socrates makes at the trial in which he is charged with not recognizing the gods recognized by the state, inventing new deities, and corrupting the youth of Athens.

Is the apology a work of philosophy or literature?

The Apology is one of those rare works that gracefully bridges the divide between philosophy and literature. The work is less concerned with asserting any particular philosophical doctrines than it is with creating a portrait of the ideal philosopher.

How big is the study guide for apology?

If you enjoy this free preview, subscribe today to unlock the full 27 page study guide for Apology along with over 2,150 study guides and 6,850 plot summaries for as little as $3/month. The shortest distance between you and an “A”!

What are the main themes of the apology?

This speech has served as inspiration and justification for philosophical thinkers ever since. It is also valuable in that it links three major themes in Socratic thought: Socratic irony, the elenchus (the Socratic mode of inquiry), and the higher ethical concerns that dominate Socrates’ life.