Other What happens at Awa Odori?

What happens at Awa Odori?

What happens at Awa Odori?

Awa Odori is the largest dance festival in Japan, attracting over 1.3 million tourists every year. Performers wear traditional obon dance costumes, and chant and sing as they parade through the streets. Awa is the old feudal administration name for Tokushima Prefecture, and odori means “dance”.

Where is the Awa dance festival?

Tokushima2019, 2018, 2017.
Awa Dance Festival/Event locations
Dance for days at the most famous festival in Shikoku The Awa Odori Festival is Tokushima’s most famous attraction and the subject of national attention every August when well over a million people turn out in the streets of Tokushima City to watch or participate in this traditional festival of folk dance.

What is odori dance?

Bon Odori, meaning simply “Bon dance” is an event held during Bon Festival, the Japanese Buddhist holiday to honor the departed spirits of one’s ancestors.

What is the most interesting fact about the odori?

Ōdōri (大通) means “large street” in Japanese. Odori Park spans about 1.5 km and covers about 8 hectares (19.5 acres). During the urban planning of Sapporo, it was originally designated as the main street but it eventually became a park.

What do they eat during Obon?

Obon Festival Foods Street foods like okonomiyaki (savory pancakes), takoyaki (octopus balls), and yakitori (chicken skewers) are all popular. Treats like uji-kintoki (sweetened shaved ice) and dango (sweet dumplings) are other festival favorites.

Who celebrates Gion Matsuri?

The Shinto Yasaka Shrine is the festival’s patron shrine. It’s located in Kyoto’s famous Gion district, which gives the festival its name. Kyoto’s downtown area is reserved for pedestrian traffic on the three nights leading up to the massive procession on July 17….Gion Matsuri.

Gion Festival (Gion Matsuri)
Date Month of July

What is Amigasa?

An amigasa is a straw hat of the type traditionally worn in some Japanese folk dances. Fukāmigasa: a deep wickerwork kasa. Jingasa (“war hat”): a type of kasa commonly worn by samurai and ashigaru (foot soldiers).

Is the Obon dance real?

Obon (お盆) or just Bon (盆) is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one’s ancestors. It has been celebrated in Japan for more than 500 years and traditionally includes a dance, known as Bon Odori. The festival of Obon lasts for three days; however, its starting date varies within different regions of Japan.

What do Obon people drink?

Offerings of food, drinks, sweets お膳/ozen Inside the homes, offerings of fruit, rice, green tea, sake and special handmade sweets, especially those in the shape of lotus leaves, are offered at the family’s Buddhist altar.

How do you celebrate Obon at home?

Families place offerings of fruit, rice, green tea, sake and lotus-shaped sweets at the graves or family altars. Paper lanterns are hung round the house to help guide the spirits home. Some families carry lanterns from the graves back to their homes. Although Obon is a memorial, it is not solemn.

What is the point of Gion Matsuri?

The Gion Festival (祇園祭, Gion Matsuri) takes place annually during the month of July in Kyoto and is one of the most famous and largest festivals in Japan. It’s formally part of Japan’s indigenous, nature-based Shinto faith, and its original purposes were purification and pacification of disease-causing entities.

What should I wear to Gion Matsuri?

Many people visit Japan Matsuri wearing casual clothes, but wearing traditional Japanese clothes is a popular choice too. Some Japanese people wear yukata, a clothes made of lighter and thinner material than the usual kimono to Matsuri.

When is the Awa Odori festival in Tokushima?

Tokushima City ‘s Awa Odori (阿波おどり) is the most famous of many dance festivals held across Japan during the Obon season in mid August. Awa is the former name for Tokushima Prefecture while Odori means dance. Between August 12 and 15, spectators and dancers come to Tokushima in…

Where did the name Awa Odori come from?

Awa is the former name for Tokushima Prefecture while Odori means dance. Between August 12 and 15, spectators and dancers come to Tokushima in the thousands to see this “Fool’s Dance” whose origins date back 400 years.

Where does the Awa Odori dance take place?

The Awa Odori dance originated here more than 400 years ago, although its popularity has spread beyond the prefecture and is performed in other areas of Japan, including Tokyo. During this festival, major thoroughfares are cordoned off and spectator stands are set up at various points for specific dance competitions.

Is the Awa Odori Kaikan a tourist attraction?

The Awa Odori Kaikan lets visitors enjoy the Awa Dance every day! The Awa Odori Kaikan is a tourist attraction that gives visitors the opportunity to enjoy the Awa Dance year-round. The building itself is uniquely shaped like an inverted trapezoid, with a paper lantern motif.