Blog What is another synonym for discarded?

What is another synonym for discarded?

What is another synonym for discarded?

Some common synonyms of discard are cast, junk, scrap, shed, and slough. While all these words mean “to get rid of,” discard implies the letting go or throwing away of something that has become useless or superfluous though often not intrinsically valueless.

What does Discardment mean?

The action of discarding; rejection, abandonment; an instance of this.

What is the synonym of fortunate?

Some common synonyms of fortunate are happy, lucky, and providential. While all these words mean “meeting with unforeseen success,” fortunate suggests being rewarded beyond one’s deserts.

What is the synonym of Ogle?

leer at, stare at, gaze at, eye, make eyes at, make sheep’s eyes at. informal eye up, give someone the glad eye, give someone a once-over, give someone the once-over, lech after, lech over, undress with one’s eyes, give someone the come-on.

What are synonyms for nemesis?

synonyms for nemesis

  • adversary.
  • affliction.
  • curse.
  • infliction.
  • plague.
  • rival.
  • ruination.
  • scourge.

What is the phrasal verb of discarded?

phrasal verb for discard is throw away [trash,garbage]

What is a detested?

1 : to feel intense and often violent antipathy toward : loathe detests politics They seem to truly detest each other. 2 obsolete : curse, denounce.

What is another word for blessed or fortunate?

What is another word for blessed?

fortunate lucky
advantaged prosperous
successful opportune
blessed with good luck born under a lucky star
timely auspicious

What is the synonyms of indolent?


  • idle,
  • lazy,
  • shiftless,
  • slothful.

What is the synonym of intrinsic?

adj.basic, inborn.

What is defined as a discard?

1. to cast aside or dispose of; get rid of . 2. a. to throw out (a playing card) from one’s hand. b. to play (a card, not a trump, of a different suit from that of the card led). 3. to discard a playing card. n. 4. the act of discarding. 5. a person or thing that is cast out or rejected.

What is an antonym for discard?

Antonyms for discard. noun: cherish, maintain, avow, defend, vindicate, uphold, claim, advocate, assert, proclaim, own, hold, acknowledge.

What is the opposite of the word discard?

Antonyms for discard from memory include get, master, learn, grasp, pick up, acquire, comprehend, understand, become competent in and become expert in. Find more opposite words at!

Is discard a noun?

In lang=en terms the difference between withdraw and discard is that withdraw is to be in withdrawal from an addictive drug etc while discard is to throw away, to reject. As verbs the difference between withdraw and discard is that withdraw is to pull (something) back, aside, or away while discard is to throw away, to reject. As a noun discard is anything discarded.