Helpful tips What is gerrymandering AP Human Geography?

What is gerrymandering AP Human Geography?

What is gerrymandering AP Human Geography?

Explanation: Gerrymandering refers to the process wherein political officials redraw electoral districts to favor a certain political party, ethnic group, coalition, or social class. Gerrymandering intentionally creates uneven representation and is usually seen as a negative process.

What is the process of gerrymandering?

Gerrymandering is the practice of setting boundaries of electoral districts to favor specific political interests within legislative bodies, often resulting in districts with convoluted, winding boundaries rather than compact areas.

What are the 2 types of gerrymandering?

Two principal tactics are used in gerrymandering: “cracking” (i.e. diluting the voting power of the opposing party’s supporters across many districts) and “packing” (concentrating the opposing party’s voting power in one district to reduce their voting power in other districts).

What is the process of gerrymandering quizlet?

The drawing of legislative district boundaries to benefit a party, group, or incumbent. The redrawing of congressional and other legislative district lines following the census, to accommodate population shifts and keep districts as equal as possible in population.

What is the main goal of gerrymandering quizlet?

Drawing of legislative district boundaries to benefit a party, group, or incumbent. Redrawing of boundaries of congressional legislative regions, such a a congressional district, following the census, to accommodate population shifts and keep districts as equal as possible in population.

What is the meaning of political gerrymandering?

Gerrymandering (/ˈdʒɛrimændərɪŋ/ or /ˈɡɛrimændərɪŋ/) is a practice intended to establish an arguably unfair political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts, which is most commonly used in first-past-the-post electoral systems.

What’s political gerrymandering?

What is the purpose of gerrymandering quizlet?

Where does the name gerrymandering come from quizlet?

Where did the term gerrymandering come from? The governor of Massachusetts, Elbridge Gerry, redistricted his state lines so it favored the Republican party, as opposed to the Federalist party. One of the districts was said to look like a salamander. In response, a Federalist said, “No, it’s a gerrymander”.

Which is the product of meiotic division in the germ cell?

The product of meiotic division are involved in the duplication of the organism (Reproduction) hence this division only occurs in reproductive cells called Germ cells. In the human the product of meiotic division of the male germ cell is the Spermatozoon while that of the female germ cell is the Ovum.

What does meiosis mean in terms of chromosomes?

Meiosis. a term that refers to the normal number of paired chromosomes in the body cell of an organism; i.e. normal number of chromosomes.

Which is the first source of genetic variation produced by meiosis?

The crossover events are the first source of genetic variation in the nuclei produced by meiosis. A single crossover event between homologous nonsister chromatids leads to a reciprocal exchange of equivalent DNA between a maternal chromosome and a paternal chromosome.

How are sister chromatids held together during meiosis?

During DNA duplication in the S phase, each chromosome is replicated to produce two identical copies— sister chromatids that are held together at the centromere by cohesin proteins, which hold the chromatids together until anaphase II.