Common questions What is photosynthesis Edexcel?

What is photosynthesis Edexcel?

What is photosynthesis Edexcel?

Photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction as it requires light energy to react carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose and oxygen. The light energy required is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyll in the leaves. Chlorophyll is located in chloroplasts in plant cells .

What does endothermic mean in photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis requires energy to drive the chemical reaction. Photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction. This means it cannot occur without energy (from the Sun). The light required is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyll in the leaves.

What is photosynthesis GCSE definition?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make carbohydrates from raw materials, using energy from light. During photosynthesis: light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll – a green substance found in chloroplasts in the palisade cells in the leaf.

What happens during photosynthesis BBC?

Plants, unlike animals, can make their own food. They do this using a process called photosynthesis . During photosynthesis, plants produce glucose from simple inorganic molecules – carbon dioxide and water – using light.

What is the main organ of photosynthesis?

Leaves are the main photosynthetic organs in plants and thus they are eminently important for growth and biomass accumulation.

Are stomata?

Stomata are the tiny openings present on the epidermis of leaves. In some of the plants, stomata are present on stems and other parts of plants. Stomata play an important role in gaseous exchange and photosynthesis. They control by transpiration rate by opening and closing.

How and where do plants get their biomass?

Biomass contains stored chemical energy from the sun. Plants produce biomass through photosynthesis. Biomass can be burned directly for heat or converted to renewable liquid and gaseous fuels through various processes.

Where does the water in photosynthesis come from?

During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the air and soil. Within the plant cell, the water is oxidized, meaning it loses electrons, while the carbon dioxide is reduced, meaning it gains electrons. This transforms the water into oxygen and the carbon dioxide into glucose.

What energy is needed for photosynthesis?

Sunlight provides the energy needed for photosynthesis to take place. In this process carbon dioxide and water are converted into oxygen (a waste product that is released back into the air) and glucose (the source of energy for the plant).

Which is the correct formula for photosynthesis formula?

The general balanced reaction for Photosynthesis Formula according to Kamen and Ruban (1941) is. 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O. (Carbon dioxide) (Water) (Glucose) (Oxygen) (Water) Photosynthesis is the process of converting the energy in which solar energy is converted into the form of light which is used in the production

How to write the complete balanced reaction for photosynthesis?

Problem 1: Write the complete balanced reaction for Photosynthesis both in symbol and word equation. Carbon dioxide + Water → Glucose + oxygen.

What kind of energy does a plant use in photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.

What are the benefits of C4 photosynthesis in plants?

A benefit of C4 photosynthesis is that by producing higher levels of carbon, it allows plants to thrive in environments without much light or water. The plant leaves are green because that color is the part of sunlight reflected by a pigment in the leaves called chlorophyll.