Blog What is Region in Sikuli?

What is Region in Sikuli?

What is Region in Sikuli?

class Region Region is a rectangular area on a screen, which is defined by. its upper left corner (x, y) as a distance relative to the upper left corner of the screen (0, 0) and. its dimension (w, h) as its width and height.

How to declare a Region in Sikuli?

Create a Region, Set and Get Attributes

  1. x – x position of top left corner.
  2. y – y position of top left corner.
  3. w – width of the region.
  4. h – height of the region.
  5. region – an existing Region object.
  6. rectangle – an existing object of class java. awt. Rectangle.

What is Sikuli framework?

Definition: Sikuli is a powerful and open source tool for test automation. It can automate anything which is displayed on the screen. It identifies the objects by using image recognition and control GUI (Graphical User Interface) components.

How do I use location in Sikuli?

You can click a location, by specify the x position and y position….Command Usage

  1. This clicks the coordinate (300,900) of the primary screen.
  2. 300 is the x position, and 900 is the y position.
  3. For Sikuli, (0, 0) is the top left-hand corner. x extends from left to right.
  4. This only works on the primary screen.

How do I move the mouse in Sikuli?

How to use move method in org.sikuli.script.Mouse

  1. OutputStream out;new OutputStreamWriter(out)
  2. OutputStream out;String charsetName;new OutputStreamWriter(out, charsetName)
  3. HttpURLConnection connection;new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream())

How do you right click on Sikuli?

Execute a mouse right click action on a target. To define a right-click action, write the word right click in a text box. You can also write aliases such as right-click or rightclick . Then, draw a rectangle around the target.

Is AutoIt a tool?

AutoIt is an open source tool that can be used to automate various processes involving Windows and desktop applications. The official website of AutoIt defines it as a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. AutoIt runs on all versions of Windows.

Can you compare two images with sikuli?

1 Answer. Ideally Sikuli works if you already have an image that your comparing against what’s found on the screen. Below I dynamically create a region, then snap a picture, and finally compare the saved picture against what in the dynamically created region.

How do I move the mouse in sikuli?

How do you right click on sikuli?

Can you compare two images with Sikuli?

What is the difference between Sikuli and SikuliX?

The key difference between Sikuli (SikuliX) and UI. Vision is that UI. Vision can work on the desktop and *inside* the web browser which guarantees stable web automation scripts. It consists only of a browser extension(!) and a small C++ module.

Where does the new region go in Sikuli X?

If range is omitted, it reaches to the bottom of the screen. The new region has the same width and x-position as the current region. Returns a new Region that is defined left of the current region’s left border with a width of range number of pixels.

How to wait for a pattern to appear in Sikuli?

You can wait for patterns to show up using Region.wait (), to vanish using Region.waitVanish () or just check whether a pattern exists without the need to handle exceptions. Sikuli supports visual event driven programming. You can tell a region to observe that something appears, vanishes or changes .

When do you call a handler in Sikuli X?

When one of the visual events happens, a handler in your script is called. Each region has one observer and each observer can handle multiple visual events. It’s your responsibility to stop an observation. In this chapter, you can find information on how to create a new region object.

Which is one of the core functions of Sikuli?

Besides acting on visual objects, finding them is one of the core functions of Sikuli. PS: means, that either a Pattern or a string (path to an image file or just plain text) can be used as parameter. A find operation is successful, if the given image is found with the given minimum similarity or the given text is found exactly.