Common questions What is seekg?

What is seekg?

What is seekg?

seekg() is a function in the iostream library (part of the standard library) that allows you to seek to an arbitrary position in a file. It is used in file handling to sets the position of the next character to be extracted from the input stream from a given file.

What is seekg and Tellg?

seekg() is used to move the get pointer to a desired location with respect to a reference point. tellg() is used to know where the get pointer is in a file. seekp() is used to move the put pointer to a desired location with respect to a reference point. tellp() is used to know where the put pointer is in a file.

Which of the following is the correct syntax of Tellp ()?

Syntax: pos_type tellp(); Return – Current output position indicator on success otherwise return -1.

What is the use of seekg and seekp?

seekg() and seekp() both are functions of File Handling in C++ and they are very important and useful feature of File Handling in C++. In File Handling of C++, we have two pointers one is get pointer and second is put pointer.

What does seekg () do Mcq?

Explanation: The member function seekg is used to position back from the end of file object. Explanation: The stringstream, ostringstream, and istringstream objects are used for input and output to a string.

How many parameters does seekg () have?

two parameters
The seekg() and seekp() functions take two parameters. The first parameter is an offset that determines how many bytes to move the file pointer.

What is the difference between the seekg and seekp member function?

What is the difference between the seekg and seekp member functions? The seekg function moves a file’s read position, and the seekp function moves a file’s write position. Use the seekg member function to move the read position back to the beginning of the file.

What is the use of Tellg () and Tellp () in file handling?


tellp() tellg()
This function is used with output streams and returns the current “put” position of the pointer in the stream. The function is used with input streams and returns the current “get” position of the pointer in the stream.
Syntax: pos_type tellp(); Syntax: pos_type tellg();

What is the use of Tellg () and Tellp () functions?

What is the use of Seekp?

The seekp(pos) method of ostream in C++ is used to set the position of the pointer in the output sequence with the specified position. This method takes the new position to be set and returns this ostream instance with the position set to the specified new position.

What is seekg function in C++?

In the C++ programming language, seekg is a function in the iostream library (part of the standard library) that allows you to seek to an arbitrary position in a file. istream& seekg(streampos position); istream& seekg(streamoff offset, ios_base::seekdir dir); position is the new position in the stream buffer.

What’s the difference between seekg ( ) and seekp ( )?

If seekg () function is used to move/sets the get pointer at the particular location. So then by using tellg () function we easily get the current position of the get pointer from the external file. Using this function the stream pointer is changed the position/location i.e. counting pointer position from the beginning of the file.

How is seekg ( ) used in file handling?

seekg() is a function in the iostream library (part of the standard library) that allows you to seek to an arbitrary position in a file. It is used in file handling to sets the position of the next character to be extracted from the input stream from a given file. For example : Input : “Hello World” Output : World

What is the seekg function in C + +?

C++ Programming Server Side Programming seekg () is a function in the iostream library that allows us to seek an arbitrary position in a file. It is mainly used to set the position of the next character to be extracted from the input stream from a given file in C++ file handling.

What are the functions of tellg, seekg and seekp?

tellg (), seekg () and seekp () functions are used to set/get the position of get and put pointers in a file while reading and writing.