Common questions What is server pvu?

What is server pvu?

What is server pvu?

A Processor Value Unit (PVU) is a unit of measure used to differentiate licensing of software on distributed processor technologies (defined by Processor Vendor, Brand, Type and Model Number).

What is pvu in IBM?

A processor value unit (PVU) is a unit of measurement that is used to determine the licensing cost of IBM middleware products. For PVU-based licensing, IBM defines a processor as a processor core on a chip. For example, a dual-core processor chip has two processor cores. PVUs are assigned per core, not per processor.

How do you calculate pvu?

As a basic principle, the number of processors (sockets), is multiplied by the number of cores. After determining the corresponding number of PVUs per core using the IBM PVU tables, this number is multiplied by the number of PVUs. For example, 2 processors x 4 cores x 100 PVUs = 800 PVUs.

What is IBM Value Unit?

Each IBM® value unit–priced software product has a specific value unit exhibit that applies to the product. The value unit exhibit is a read-only table that provides information that is used when converting a base unit, such as MSU (millions of service units), to value units.

What is a virtual processor core?

A virtual processor core (VPC) is a unit of measurement that is used to determine the licensing cost of IBM products. A vCPU is a virtual core that is assigned to a virtual machine or a physical processor core if the server is not partitioned for virtual machines.

Is vCPU the same as core?

A general estimation is that 1 vCPU = 1 Physical CPU Core. However, this is not entirely correct, as the vCPU is made up of time slots across all available physical cores, so in general 1vCPU is actually more powerful than a single core, especially if the physical CPUs have 8 cores.

What is difference between core and vCPU?

A core is a physical unit of a CPU. A virtual CPU (vCPU) also known as a virtual processor, is a physical central processing unit (CPU) that is assigned to a virtual machine (VM).

What is IBM sub capacity?

Sub-capacity Overview Sub-capacity licensing lets you license an eligible software product for less than the full capacity of your server or group of servers. It provides the licensing granularity needed to leverage various multi-core chip and virtualization technologies.

Which is the highest PVU on a server?

Full capacity license is counted as the highest number of PVUs on the server where the software is installed. According to the PVU table, when the server has two sockets, this processor model is assigned 70 PVUs per core.

What does PVU stand for in software licensing?

Processor Value Unit [PVU] licensing for Distributed Software. A Processor Value Unit (PVU) is a unit of measure used to differentiate licensing of software on distributed processor technologies (defined by Processor Vendor, Brand, Type and Model Number).

How is the processor value unit ( PVU ) calculated?

A processor value unit (PVU) is a unit of measurement that is used to determine the licensing cost of IBM middleware products. It is based on the type of processor that is deployed on the server where the software is installed.

What does PVU stand for in passport advantage?

A Processor Value Unit (PVU) is a unit of measure used to differentiate licensing of middleware based on distributed processor technology (defined within the PVU table by Processor Vendor, Brand, Type and Processor Model Number).