Popular articles What is the history of Axum?

What is the history of Axum?

What is the history of Axum?

The Kingdom of Axum was a trading empire with its hub in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia. It existed approximately 100–940 AD, growing from the Iron Age proto-Axumite period c. fourth century BC to achieve prominence by the first century AD.

What is Axum in African history?

The African kingdom of Axum (also Aksum) was located on the northern edge of the highland zone of the Red Sea coast, just above the horn of Africa. It was founded in the 1st century CE, flourished from the 3rd to 6th century CE, and then survived as a much smaller political entity into the 8th century CE.

What were some cultural contributions of Axum?

The Kingdom of Aksum is notable for a number of achievements, such as its own alphabet, the Ge’ez alphabet. Under Emperor Ezana, Aksum adopted Christianity, which gave rise to the present-day Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church.

How was Aksum organized?

The society was hierarchical with a king at the top, then nobles, and the general population below. This hierarchy can be discerned by the buildings that have been found, and the wealth of the goods found in them. Although Aksum had writing, very little has been found out about society from inscriptions.

What was Axum known for?

Known for its monumental obelisk and as an early center of Christianity in Africa, Axum became one of the holiest of cities of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Despite Axum’s current state of poverty, it was once a city distinguished by prestigious power. By the third century A.D. Axum had established its own currency.

Is Axum mentioned in the Bible?

Solomon and Sheba It has also been claimed that Aksum is the home of the Biblical Ark of the Covenant, in which lies the “Tablets of Law” upon which the Ten Commandments are inscribed. Menelik is believed to have taken it on a visit to Jerusalem to see his father.

Why is Axum significant in African history?

With the city’s ascendance centuries before the birth of Christ and its position next to the Red Sea, Axum became a major center for international trade. Known for its monumental obelisk and as an early center of Christianity in Africa, Axum became one of the holiest of cities of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Who ruled Axum?

King Ezana
Aksum reached its peak under the leadership of King Ezana who ruled from around 325 CE to 360 CE. During this time, Aksum expanded its territory and became a major trade center. It was under King Ezana that Aksum conquered the Kingdom of Kush, destroying the city of Meroe.

How did Axum become a powerful city?

The kingdom of Axum existed from 100 to 940 AD on the territory of present-day Ethiopia. It grew mostly because of its trade with the ancient Romans and with India;at the height of its power, the empire was strong enough to create its own money.

What was Aksum known for?

Aksum managed trade between India and the Mediterranean in ivory, gold, emeralds, silk, spices, agricultural products, salt, exotic animals, manufactured goods, and much more. In the first century CE, Aksum flourished. They could afford to build a powerful navy to patrol the Red Sea and protect their trade routes.

How did Axum get wealthy?

Aksum’s wealth was derived from its location on the Red Sea, which allowed the Aksumites to exchange spices, ivory, ebony and animal shells with Egypt, Greece, Rome and lands as far away as Persia and India. Aksumite kings used their wealth to build impressive palaces and granite monuments.

Why is the Obelisk of Axum important?

A pagan Kingdom during its early peak, giant pillars were erected to mark the tombs of important leaders. In the 4th century, the King Ezana of Axum solidified the Kingdom’s conversion to Christianity, and stopped all pagan practices, including the erection of burial stelea such as the 80-foot Obelisk of Axum.