Blog What is the meaning of the word of disheartening?

What is the meaning of the word of disheartening?

What is the meaning of the word of disheartening?

Definition of dishearten transitive verb. : to cause to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage : to cause to lose spirit or morale were disheartened by the news.

What are synonyms for disheartening?

synonyms for disheartening

  • daunt.
  • deject.
  • demoralize.
  • deter.
  • discourage.
  • dismay.
  • dispirit.
  • humble.

How do you use disheartening in a sentence?

1. It’s disheartening to see what little progress has been made. 2. Their data-gathering can be a disheartening exercise.

Where does the word disheartened originate from?

When you feel your spirits sink or your courage fail, you’re disheartened. The first recorded use of the word dishearten showed up in Shakespeare’s play Henry V, where he invented it to mean the opposite of hearten, or “encourage.”

What is the meaning of Hastile?

1a : of or relating to an enemy hostile fire. b : marked by malevolence : having or showing unfriendly feelings a hostile act.

What is a better word for SAD?

pessimistic, melancholy, bitter, somber, dismal, wistful, heartbroken, sorry, sorrowful, mournful, dark, pathetic, regrettable, moving, bad, unhappy, depressing, poignant, tragic, serious.

Can be disheartening?

If something is disheartening, it makes you feel disappointed and less confident or less hopeful. The news was disheartening for investors.

Will you be disheartened?

Meaning of disheartened in English having lost confidence, hope, and energy: She was very disheartened by the results of the test. After several setbacks it’s hard not to grow disheartened.

What do you call someone who is hostile?

Synonyms: unfriendly, belligerent, antagonistic, unkind More Synonyms of hostile. adjective. Someone who is hostile is unfriendly and aggressive.

What does the name disheartening mean?

disheartening – destructive of morale and self-reliance. demoralising, demoralizing, dispiriting. discouraging – depriving of confidence or hope or enthusiasm and hence often deterring action; “where never is heard a discouraging word”.

What is another word for dishearten?

dishearten, put off(verb) take away the enthusiasm of. Synonyms: defer, fudge, put over, dodge, hold over, remit, confuse, turn off, circumvent, hedge, sidestep, flurry, skirt, table, disconcert, elude, prorogue, evade, shelve, put off, parry, duck, set back, postpone. Antonyms: recreate, cheer, hearten, embolden.

What is the meaning of disheartened?

Definition of dishearten. transitive verb.: to cause to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage: to cause to lose spirit or morale were disheartened by the news.

What does disheart mean?

Definition of dishearten. transitive verb. : to cause to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage : to cause to lose spirit or morale were disheartened by the news.