Other What is the simple future tense in French?

What is the simple future tense in French?

What is the simple future tense in French?

The ‘simple’ future (le futur) is so-named because it is a one-word tense. In other words, its formation is simple because there is no auxiliary. The endings for the simple future are: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. The future stem for -er and -ir verbs is the infinitive.

What is an example of future tense in French?

The French future tense (le futur simple) is used in a similar way to the English ‘will (+ main verb)’: to describe upcoming actions. L’année prochaine, j’apprendrai le chinois. apprendre, futur Next year, I will learn Chinese.

What are the two future tenses in French?

French has two future tenses — the futur proche and the futur simple. The futur proche is formed with the auxiliary aller which is followed by an infinitive (Je vais partir. ‘I’m going to leave’). The futur simple doesn’t have an auxiliary.

What are the conjugations for future tense?

Regular verbs in the future tense are conjugated by adding the following endings to the infinitive form of the verb: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án. There are twelve common verbs that are irregular in the future tense. Their endings are regular, but their stems change.

How do you form the future simple?

Formation of the future simple (will-future) The future simple (also called will-future) is formed by using the auxiliary verb ‘will’ together with the infinitive (base form) of the corresponding verb without ‘to’. Examples of forming the will-future in sentences: “Peter and Tom will both buy a new car.”

Is there a future subjunctive in French?

There is no future subjunctive in French. The present subjunctive is used for both present and future. Even if the action is to happen in the future, the present subjunctive is used. However, there is a past subjunctive.

How do you use near future in French?

The futur proche (near future) tense describes what is going to happen with certainty. To form the futur proche, use the present tense of aller (to go) plus an infinitive . To make it negative and say something is not going to happen, put ne … pas or n’… pas around the conjugated verb aller.

How do you form the simple future?

The formula for the simple future is will + [root form of verb]. I will learn a new language. Jen will read that book. My brothers will sleep till noon if no one wakes them up.

What is future tense and example?

In grammar, the future tense is the verb form you use to talk about things that haven’t happened yet. When you say, “The party will be so fun!” “will be” is in the future tense. The future tense can be more complicated than this simple form, but it always signifies an intended or expected future action.

What are some examples of future tense verbs?

In grammar, a future tense (abbreviated FUT) is a verb form that generally marks the event described by the verb as not having happened yet, but expected to happen in the future. An example of a future tense form is the French aimera, meaning “will love”, derived from the verb aimer (“love”).

What is simple future in French?

The simple future tense (le futur simple) is the basic form of the future, and the English equivalent of “will + verb.” Here’s an example of how the simple future tense is used: Ils mangeront dans l’avion. (They will eat on the plane.) Note that in French, there is no translation for the often-used “will” in English.

What are all the French verb tenses?

The tenses used in French to place a verb in time: Présent : The present. Passé simple : The preterite or simple past. Passé compose : The past tense / narration tense. Passé antérieur : The past perfect. Imparfait : The present subjunctive. Futur simple : The future tense. Plus que parfait : The past subjunctive.

What is the future in French?

French Future Tense. Le Futur or Futur Simple is the future tense of the indicative mood. It’s used to express actions that will happen in the future. In English, the future is composed of ”will” plus a main verb, while in French Le Futur is a complete set of verb conjugations. Il mangera chinois demain. He will eat Chinese tomorrow.