Popular articles What is the summary of Romeo and Juliet?

What is the summary of Romeo and Juliet?

What is the summary of Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet Summary. An age-old vendetta between two powerful families erupts into bloodshed. A group of masked Montagues risk further conflict by gatecrashing a Capulet party. A young lovesick Romeo Montague falls instantly in love with Juliet Capulet, who is due to marry her father’s choice, the County Paris.

How is Montague related to Romeo?

Montague: The head of the house of Montague, he is Romeo’s father and enemy of Capulet. Lady Montague: Romeo’s mother. Mercutio: Kinsman of Prince Escalus and friend of Romeo. Benvolio: Nephew of Montague and friend of Romeo.

Why did Romeo kill himself?

Romeo has killed himself because he believes that Juliet is dead. He does not want to live without her. Romeo is unaware that Juliet’s sleeping state is temporary. Friar Laurence will soon come to awaken Juliet and take her out of the tomb.

How would you describe Romeo Montague?

The son and heir of Montague and Lady Montague. A young man of about sixteen, Romeo is handsome, intelligent, and sensitive. Though impulsive and immature, his idealism and passion make him an extremely likable character.

What is the moral lesson of the story Romeo and Juliet?

Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet gives us the moral lesson to never hold grudges nor hate to others before it is too late, lower your pride for the common good, think carefully before you act, and to never let you emotions rule over you.

Who killed Juliet?

On seeing Juliet, he drinks the poison so he can be with her in heaven. Juliet finally awakens to see Romeo there with her – however, she quickly realises he has drunk poison. She kisses his lips to try and taste the poison herself, but it doesn’t work. So, instead, she kills herself with Romeo’s dagger.

Who is Romeo’s cousin?

Romeo/First cousins

Did Romeo drink the poison?

Romeo fights with him and leaves him dead. He breaks into the Capulet tomb and discovers Juliet, as cold as if she were dead. Romeo is heartbroken. He drinks his poison and dies.

What animal is Romeo?

However, Lender changes everything about R&J that bothers me turning it into a cute little romp of a tragedy. Romeo is a rooster and Juliet is a bear and instead of being in love they become BFF’s! They don’t commit suicide but go into hibernation and the theme is prejudice: petting zoo animals vs forest animals.

Is Juliet actually in love with Romeo?

Juliet’s love for Romeo seems at least in part to be a desire to be freed from her parents’ control by a husband who can’t control her either. More experienced characters argue that sexual frustration, not enduring love, is the root cause of Romeo and Juliet’s passion for one another.