February Weather in Apia Samoa. Daily high temperatures are around 86°F, rarely falling below 83°F or exceeding 89°F. Daily low temperatures are around 77°F, rarely falling below 74°F or exceeding 79°F. The highest daily average low temperature is 77°F on February 8.
Does Samoa have snow?
The US average is 38 inches of rain per year. Samoa averages 1 inches of snow per year. The US average is 28 inches of snow per year. On average, there are 177 sunny days per year in Samoa.
Will it snow in Manchester in February?
In Manchester, United Kingdom, in February, during 2.7 snowfall days, 19mm (0.75″) of snow is typically accumulated.
Does it snow in Portland in February?
Snowfall. The average sliding 31-day snowfall during February in Portland is decreasing, starting the month at 1.7 inches, when it rarely exceeds 5.1 inches, and ending the month at 0.5 inches, when it rarely exceeds 1.4 inches.
Is Samoa good for a holiday?
Located in the heart of the Pacific islands, Samoa is a gorgeous and wonderfully vibrant nation. While there is a strong tourism industry, Samoa is much more quaint than other, comparably beautiful beach holiday destinations such as Bali or Thailand.
What is the best time of year to go to Samoa?
The best time to visit Samoa is between April and October, when the weather is drier and the humidity is lower. Samoa’s climate is dictated by its position in the South Pacific near to the Equator. Average daily temperatures hover around 82-86°F throughout the year, and the seawater is balmily warm.
Does Manchester have snow?
How much does it snow in Manchester? Throughout the year, in Manchester, United Kingdom, there are 8.4 snowfall days, and 71mm (2.8″) of snow is accumulated.
Does it rain more in Seattle or Portland?
Portland, Oregon, is one of the few cities that sees more days with measurable rainfall, about 155 days, but it actually receives slightly less rain than Seattle: 36.20 inches. The Olympic Rain Shadow is one of the reasons for the lack of hefty rainfall totals in the Seattle area.