Blog What is Topcoder arena?

What is Topcoder arena?

What is Topcoder arena?

The Topcoder Arena is a pure Java application that can be run as either an Applet from within a browser, or as an application from within JWS (Java Web Start). The Arena is where all of the competition action takes place. It is where each coder can practice, compete, or spectate.

How do you run Topcoder arena? Once you have completed that download the Applet Arena. When the arena has finished downloading, you will get a security warning dialog and you will have to check the checkbox below before you can run the arena. Once it’s checked, click the run button.

How do I practice code in Topcoder?

You’ll need to create an account at Then, go to and click on the icon on the top of the page that says “practice problems” (you have to point the mouse to the icon to see the text). That will take you to a page with a search bar, and you search for the problem name.

What is SRM in Topcoder?

Join Topcoder Challenges SRM stands for “Single Round Match”. Each SRM will have a number associated with it, such as SRM 730.

Is TopCoder free?

You are free to create your application using any tech stack. Create a single design screen that shows a user’s profile information. You are free to use design tools like Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch, or Photoshop. Find three defects on our site

Which is best coding platform for beginners?

Here are the best coding practice websites:

  • TopCoder.
  • Coderbyte.
  • Codewars.
  • CodeChef.
  • Codeforce.
  • Hackerearth.

Is AtCoder good for beginners?

AtCoder is an amazing platform for you – doesn’t matter if you are a total beginner or an advanced rated skilled programmer.

How does the Topcoder arena work in Java?

The Topcoder Arena is a pure Java application that can be run as either an Applet from within a browser, or as an application from within JWS (Java Web Start). The Arena is where all of the competition action takes place. It is where each coder can practice, compete, or spectate.

What’s the best way to compete in Topcoder Open?

Topcoder Java Applet is the older way of competing. Most experienced competitors use the Applet Arena and it is also used at the Topcoder Open Onsite Finals. It has several plugins you can use to enhance your experience. To launch the Applet Arena, you need to make sure you have the Java runtime environment (JRE) installed. You can get that here.

How do I register for a contest on Topcoder?

Under the active contest tab, you can find all the active contests and a Register button to get you registered for the contest. You may get some additional dialogs asking you to agree to terms, etc., and you’ll need to accept those in order to register for the match.

How do I log in to my Topcoder account?

Type in your Topcoder handle for the username and then type in your password to login. If you run into any problems, be sure to send an email to [email protected]. Note: If you are behind a firewall or corporate proxy and cannot login using the “Direct” option, you can try changing the connection settings to HTTP Tunnel A, HTTP Tunnel B, etc.