Other What is workpapers CS?

What is workpapers CS?

What is workpapers CS?

Workpapers CS enables multiple staff members to manage workpapers in the Workpapers Dashboard and to work in the trial balance simultaneously. When your tax-related tasks are completed, you can seamlessly transfer an adjusted balance into a variety of tax applications. scanned into Workpapers CS.

How do I contact Thomson Reuters?

Call Us

  1. United States: +1 646 540 3000.
  2. Canada: +1 647 480 7000.
  3. United Kingdom: +44 20 3197 3000.

What does accounting Cs stand for?

Comprehensive suite of integrated software for accounting firms of any size.

What is Engagement CS?

Engagement CS is a product within the Creative Solutions Accounting software that is fully integrated with Trial Balance CS and the Financial Reporter module to provide you with a flexible and secure environment in which to prepare engagements.

How do I print journal entries in CS?

Use this tab to have Fixed Assets CS print large account numbers in the Journal Entry report. To open this tab, double-click one of the journal entry reports in the Reports tab in the Print dialog. Then, click the Options button and click the Journal Entry tab.

How do you enter transactions in accounting CS?

Modifying accounting transactions

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Transactions.
  2. Select the appropriate client in the client selection field.
  3. In the Transactions list, highlight the transaction to modify.
  4. Modify the transaction detail as necessary.
  5. Click Enter to save the updated transaction record.

What is advanced flow?

Thomson Reuters AdvanceFlow is the first cloud-based audit engagement software that combines the convenience of the cloud with enterprise-level processing power. It’s a new level of convenience — backed by the auditing tools and trial balance power to handle the most complex clients and the most data-heavy jobs.

What does CS stand for on balance sheet?

Common Size Balance Sheet Defined.

What is the latest version of accounting CS?

(To view license information for your applications, choose Help > About.)…Version information for Accounting CS services.

Product name Current release version Latest update version
Workpapers CS (standalone) 2021.2.0 (6/24/21) 2021.2.0 (6/24/21)

How do I copy a client in Accounting CS?

Creating a copy of an existing client

  1. In the list of clients, right-click the client whose record you want to copy and choose Copy Client from the context menu.
  2. Enter an ID for the new client in the ID field.
  3. Modify the information in the various tabs as needed.
  4. When you are finished, click Enter to save the client.

How do you edit transactions in CS?

What does WorkPapers Cs do for your business?

Collaborate in real time with your team through a single-interface, single-database structure without having to sync, import, or export information. Available as either a cloud-based or local installation, Workpapers CS puts the information you need at your fingertips, empowering you to make a positive impact on your clients’ businesses.

Do You need A Thomson Reuters ID to use Workpapers CS?

Before your staff can begin using Workpapers CS in your firm, you must set up Thomson Reuters IDs for each staff member who will use the application. The CS Professional Suite application security overview topic explains the security measures we have taken to ensure that your clients’ information is protected.

Is there an online version of WorkPapers CS?

Lease online versions of our entire award-winning CS Professional Suite, plus Microsoft® Office and Exchange. I think Workpapers CS extends the functionality of Engagement CS significantly. That collaboration concept in Workpapers CS and the ability to guide people into what you want to have things organized with is a really big step up.

Is there an add on module for Workpapers CS?

Add-on module for Workpapers CS that digitizes your process for managing tax documents. Control how balances flow and how subschedule details display in your tax application. You can transfer adjusted balances to UltraTax CS, GoSystem Tax RS, Lacerte®, ProSystem® fx Tax, and ProSeries®.