Blog What should I say in a cover letter?

What should I say in a cover letter?

What should I say in a cover letter?

How to write a cover letterFirst paragraph – The opening statement should set out why you’re writing the letter. Second paragraph – Cover why you’re suitable for the job, what attracted you to this type of work, why you’re interested in working for the company and what you can offer the organisation.

Can you exaggerate on a resume?

Exaggerating the truth or outright lying on a resume isn’t unusual, but that doesn’t mean it’s an effective way to advance your career. Candidate after candidate came in and were found to have lied on their resumes.” It’s just not worth it to lie on your resume, Davis says.

Why you shouldn’t lie on your resume?

Lying on your resume doesn’t just impact your chance of being hired once. It could also impact your future employment opportunities. For example, if you’re fired for lying, it might be difficult to secure another job. It can be harder to get hired when your work history includes a termination for cause.

Can you lie about how long you worked somewhere?

Lying is bad, period! So when you lie to us, trust is now broken and your integrity and honesty are called into question. This is something you do not want! So if you said you worked at a place for say 5 years and it really was only 2 years, that’s a real problem.

Should you lie on your CV?

Whether you’re lying about where you’ve worked, what grades you achieved or your skills, lying on your CV is technically fraud. Plus, personality counts. Employers want to hire someone they can trust. Lying before you’ve even been hired won’t exactly paint you as a reliable, authentic and trustworthy person.