Passive: If you have dealt or received damage in the last 2 seconds, you will generate stacks of Grasp of the Undying every second. At 4 stacks, your next attack against an enemy champion will deal 4% of your maximum health bonus magic damage, restore 2% of your maximum health, and permanently grants 5 maximum health.
What does grasp of the Undying do for ranged champions?
Ranged champions triggered attack bonus health changed to 9. Grasp of the Undying is the spiritual successor to the removed Season 2016 mastery Grasp of the Undying. Pentakill’s second volume, Grasp of the Undying, was named after this rune. Damage reduction on ranged champions reduced to 40% from 50%.
How many Procs do you need for grasp of the Undying?
It takes 5 procs to increase the damage by 1 when using a melee champion. It takes 10 procs to increase the healing by 1 when using a ranged champion. Triggered attack bonus health changed to 10. Ranged champions triggered attack bonus health changed to 6. Triggered attack bonus health changed to 15.
Is there a season 2016 grasp of the Undying?
Grasp of the Undying is the spiritual successor to the removed Season 2016 mastery Grasp of the Undying.
What was the last song of grasp of the Undying?
The infernal prophecy of Pentakill: born of shadow, forged in flame, metal as hell. Their last performance ended the band – and the lives of the audience. But Pentakill didn’t stay dead for long and, now, no stage can escape the grasp of the undying.
Why is Pentakill called grasp of the Undying?
It is a tale only spoken of in hushed, awed whispers. Some claim it is no more than a legend invented to frighten youngsters, others claim that even to speak of it is to invite the return of those metal warriors from their tour of the realms beyond.
How much does grasp of the Undying cost?
No one shreds like the undead. We asked Pentakill how much to charge for the record but the only number they gave us was the beast’s. The infernal prophecy of Pentakill: born of shadow, forged in flame, metal as hell. Their last performance ended the band – and the lives of the audience.