Children living with HIV and >12 months of age and who are unlikely to have active TB on symptombased screening, and have no contact with a TB case, should receive 6 months of IPT (10 mg/kg/d) as part of a comprehensive package of HIV prevention and care services.
Is IPT safe?
IPT is safe for most people. There is a small risk of hepatitis, which is greater in people who drink a lot of alcohol or have a history of liver disease. The risk is also greater in women during pregnancy and in the three months after delivery.
What is IPT drug?
Treatment of latent TB infection with a drug called isoniazid is an inexpensive, effective prevention method used in the United States, Europe and elsewhere since the 1960s. Unfortunately, less than 0.1 percent of people with HIV who are eligible for isoniazid preventive treatment (IPT) are receiving treatment.
Who is eligible for TB preventive therapy?
Patients with signs and symptoms suggestive of TB must be investigated for TB (see flow chart). If they are found not to have TB (smear and culture are both negative), they should be reassessed in three months, and if no longer symptomatic, should be offered TB preventive therapy.
What are side effects of isoniazid?
What are the possible side effects of isoniazid?
sudden weakness or ill feeling, or fever for 3 days or longer;
pain in your upper stomach (may spread to your back), nausea, loss of appetite;
dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes);
vision changes, pain behind your eyes;
What is IPT in malaria treatment?
Intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) against malaria is a malaria control strategy aimed at reducing the burden of malaria in certain high-risk groups, namely pregnant women and children.
How often is IPT given?
IPTp-SP should be delivered at each scheduled ANC visit (except during the first trimester and with doses given at least one month apart), and compliance with antenatal care should be encouraged as much as possible.
When do we give IPT?
IPT can be started after successful completion of TB treatment or at any time after a previous episode of TB, provided that active TB disease is excluded.
Why is isoniazid preventive therapy ( IPT ) a priority?
Isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) is a priority because: • IPT works • IPT is safe • IPT does not increase risk of resistance • IPT is feasible and cost effective • IPT will help eliminate TB • IPT is policy A. Establish and strengthen mechanisms for delivering integrated TB and HIV services
When to take IPT for TB and HIV?
It has been known for many years that (IPT) for PLHIV prevents TB. WHO recommends that PLHIV who are unlikely to have active TB should receive at least 6 months of IPT as part of a comprehensive package of HIV care.
When to give IPT for treatment of PLHIV?
There is evidence that giving IPT for at least 36 months (as a surrogate for lifelong treatment for PLHIV) is beneficial in setting with a high prevalence of TB and a high likelihood of transmission. (For example mines and prisons). The effects of IPT augment the effects of ART on reducing the incidence of TB.