Helpful tips Who was Abd el Krim and what did he do?

Who was Abd el Krim and what did he do?

Who was Abd el Krim and what did he do?

Abd el-Krim (1882, Ajdir – February 6, 1963, Cairo) was a Rifian political and military leader. He and his brother Mhemmed led a large-scale revolt by a coalition of Berber-speaking Rif tribes against French and Spanish colonization of the Rif, an area of northern Morocco. The rebels established the short-lived Republic of the Rif.

How many Spanish troops were killed by Abd el Krim?

Soon afterwards, Abd el-Krim directed his forces to attack the Spanish lines at Anwal, which they did with great success. During the attack, General Silvestre, head of the Spanish forces, committed suicide when he saw that defeat was inevitable. In three weeks of fierce battles, 18,000 Spanish troops were killed.

When did Abd el Krim surrender to the French?

On 26 May 1926, Abd el-Krim surrendered to the French at his then headquarters of Targuist (Targist). As a consequence, he was exiled to the island of Réunion (a French territory in the Indian Ocean) from 1926 to 1947, where he was “given a comfortable estate and generous annual subsidiary”.

Who was the leader of the rebellion in Mali?

The movement’s leader Iyad Ag Ghaly was part of the early 1990s rebellion and has been reported to be linked to an offshoot of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) that is led by his cousin Hamada Ag Hama as well as Algeria’s Département du Renseignement et de la Sécurité (DRS).

When did the Mali government regain control of Aguelhok?

The Mali government claimed to have regained control of all three towns the next day. On 24 January, the rebels retook Aguelhok after the Malian army ran out of ammunition. The next day the Mali government once again recaptured the city.

Who was the leader of the MNLA in Mali?

The MNLA’s leader Bilal Ag Acherif said that the onus was on Mali to either give the Saharan peoples their self-determination or they would take it themselves. Another Tuareg-dominated group, the Islamist Ansar Dine ( Defenders of Faith ), initially fought alongside the MNLA against the government.