Common questions Why did Lois write Number the Stars?

Why did Lois write Number the Stars?

Why did Lois write Number the Stars?

Lowry wrote Number the Stars in 1988. She was inspired by a friend who had grown up in Denmark during World War II, when the country was occupied by Nazi Germany. At that time, Jewish people all over Europe were being arrested and then killed by Ger- mans.

What is the message of Number the Stars?

Number the Stars explores the themes of bravery and true friendship. Lowry relies on historical accounts of actual events, her friend Annelise Platt’s firsthand account of living in Denmark as a child during World War II, and her own determination and skill as a writer to relate her thematic messages.

How much of Number the Stars is true?

In the Afterword to Number the Stars Lowry explains how much of the story is true. Annemarie is a fictional character, but Lowry was inspired to create her by real stories that come from a friend of Lowry’s, Annelise Platt (the novel is dedicated to her) who was a child in Denmark during the years of the war.

Where did Number the Stars come from?

The phrase “number the stars” comes from Psalm 147:4, when a guy named Peter reads these words out loud to a bunch of people who are in some major danger: O praise the Lord.

What is the conflict of Number the Stars?

The primary conflict in Number the Stars is between the Nazis and the Jews. A secondary conflict involves the Danes who are trying to help protect the Jews from the Nazis.

What is the theme of the story the stars?

The most important theme in “The Star” is the opposition of religion and science. The reader is presented with a very religious narrator who has his faith seriously shaken. The narrator has long attempted to show that science and religion are compatible.

Is the word Jillion an indefinitely large number?

An indefinitely large number. jil′lion·aire′ (jĭl′yə-nâr′) n. jil′lionth adj. & n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Where does the story number the stars take place?

by: Lois Lowry. Number the Stars is told from the point of view of ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen. The story is set in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark in September 1943, the third year of the Nazi occupation of Denmark. Annemarie and her best friend Ellen, who is Jewish, are stopped by soldiers on their way home from school.

Who are the Jewish girls in number the stars?

Annemarie and her best friend Ellen, who is Jewish, are stopped by soldiers on their way home from school. The two girls, who go to the same school and live in the same building, are unsettled by their first direct encounter with the Germans.

Who is the author of number the stars?

Lois Lowry Use various resources to research Lois Lowry, the author of Number the Stars. Answer the following. 1. Write a brief paragraph about Lois Lowry. 2. If the information is available, write about the events in Lois Lowry’s life which helped her decide to become an author.