Helpful tips Why is the abdomen divided into 9 regions?

Why is the abdomen divided into 9 regions?

Why is the abdomen divided into 9 regions?

The human abdomen is divided into quadrants and regions by anatomists and physicians for the purposes of study, diagnosis, and treatment. The division into four quadrants allows the localisation of pain and tenderness, scars, lumps, and other items of interest, narrowing in on which organs and tissues may be involved.

What are the names and locations of abdominal regions?

These regions are broken into three areas: the upper, middle, and lower abdomen. In the upper abdomen, the right hypochondriac, epigastric, and left hypochondriac regions reside. In the middle abdomen are the right lumbar, umbilical, and left lumbar regions.

What organ is directly above your belly button?

Located directly behind the stomach, the pancreas lies deep in the center of the abdomen. Its position corresponds to an area 3-6 inches above the “belly button”, straight back on the back wall of the abdominal cavity. In fact, the bones of the spine are just a few inches behind the pancreas.

Where are the 9 regions of the abdomen?

Nine Sections of the Abdomen. Think of the nine regions as the areas that hurt when we do sit-ups. Regions 1-3 comprise the upper abdomen, regions 4-6 are the middle abdomen, and the regions 7-9 make up the lower abdomen.

What makes up the middle of the abdomen?

The Middle Abdomen. Region 4 is known as the right lumbar region. In this area we have organs or body parts such as the liver, gallbladder, and ascending colon. Region 5 is known as the umbilical region. Think of this as your belly button area. This area is home to the small intestine. Region 6 is known as the left lumbar region,…

Do you know anything about quadrants and regions of the abdomen?

Human Body Quiz: Quadrants And Regions Of Abdomen! Do you know anything about the quadrants and regions of the abdomen? This quiz can help you. The human abdomen is apportioned into quadrants to examine, diagnose, and treat. The division into four quadrants permits the localization of pain and tenderness or other discomforts.

Are there any organs in the lower abdomen?

In the lower abdomen, we have the right iliac fossa, hypogastric, and left iliac fossa regions. These regions contain most of our internal organs such as the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, stomach, pancreas, and spleen.