Popular articles How is Magdeburg connected to the rest of Germany?

How is Magdeburg connected to the rest of Germany?

How is Magdeburg connected to the rest of Germany?

Magdeburg is situated on autobahn route 2, and hence is at the connection point of the East (Berlin and beyond) with the West of Europe, as well as the North and South of Germany.

Who was the founder of the city of Magdeburg?

Founded by Charlemagne in 805 as Magadoburg (probably from Old High German magado for big, mighty and burga for fortress ), the town was fortified in 919 by King Henry the Fowler against the Magyars and Slavs. In 929 King Otto I granted the city to his English-born wife Edith as dower.

When did Magdeburg become the capital of Saxony-Anhalt?

In 1990 Magdeburg became the capital of the new state of Saxony-Anhalt within reunified Germany. Huge parts of the city and its centre were also rebuilt in a modern style. Its economy is one of the fastest-growing in the former East German states. In 2005 Magdeburg celebrated its 1200th anniversary.

When was the last time Magdeburg was destroyed?

Magdeburg has been destroyed twice in its history. The Catholic League sacked Magdeburg in 1631, resulting in the death of 25,000 non-combatants, the largest loss of the Thirty Years’ War. Allies bombed the city in 1945, destroying much of it.

Can you stay in the Gruson greenhouse in Magdeburg?

Accommodation in Magdeburg can be arranged with the Magdeburg Tourist Information Office. The Gruson Greenhouses hold themed family-friendly events and craft activities. Dates here (only in German). The Gruson Greenhouses hold around 3,000 exotic plant species. In the Gesellschaftshaus, events take place all year round.

When did the Duchy of Magdeburg become part of Prussia?

Under the Peace of Westphalia (1648), Magdeburg was to be assigned to Brandenburg-Prussia after the death of the administrator August of Saxe-Weissenfels, as the semi-autonomous Duchy of Magdeburg. This occurred in 1680.

What was the seat of the Royal Assembly in Magdeburg?

In 937, Magdeburg was the seat of a royal assembly. Otto I repeatedly visited Magdeburg, establishing a convent here about 937 and was later buried in the cathedral. He granted the abbey the right to income from various tithes and to corvée labour from the surrounding countryside.