Other Is Jade Harvester good?

Is Jade Harvester good?

Is Jade Harvester good?

Raiment of the Jade Harvester was one of the best Witch Doctor builds at Reaper of Souls release. It has its own unique playstyle as it revolves around harvesting Damage over Time (DoT) skills to deal instant damage.

What is the most powerful witch doctor build?

The Best Witch Doctor Build in Diablo 3 Season 24

  • Helm: Mundunugu’s Headdress.
  • Shoulders: Mundunugu’s Descendant.
  • Gloves: Mundunugu’s Rhythm.
  • Chest: Mundunugu’s Robe.
  • Pants: Captain Crimson’s Thrust.
  • Boots: Mundunugu’s Dance.

How do you use Soul Harvest in Diablo 3?

To use Soul Harvest, the Witch Doctor casts the skill and receives a stacking bonus, from 1-5, depending how many many enemies are near the WD when he casts the spell. The radius of effect is not specified in the tool tip, but seems to be about 15 yards from the Witch Doctor.

Where is the jade set dungeon?

Where’s the Jade Harvester Set Dungeon? It’s in ACT IV – Vestibule of Light! Teleport to way point ACT IV – Gardens of Hope tier 1.

What is the best weapon for witch doctor Diablo 3?

As for weaponry, both the Uhkapian Serpent and Thing of the Deep are extremely popular off-hand Mojos, while Thunderfury yet again takes the crown as the most popular weapon. Just make sure your character build reflects the bonuses you receive from your newly acquired gear.

How much damage does haunt do Diablo 3?

Haunt an enemy with a spirit, dealing 4000% weapon damage as Cold over 12 seconds. If the enemy dies, the spirit will haunt another nearby enemy.

Are corpse spiders pets?

The Spiders do count as pets for the purpose of damage bonuses (including Pet Damage affixes), but due to a bug (see below) that is severely hindered in-game. For the purpose of Zunimassa’s Haunt damage or protection bonus, Corpse Spiders will not not count as pets due to not being targetable.

How to build Jade harvester with witch doctor?

Witch Doctor Jade Harvester Build With Soul Harvest 1 Introduction. Patch 2.4 marked the return of Raiment of the Jade Harvester as one of the top tier Witch Doctor… 2 Quick Reference. The basic skill setup of the Jade Harvester Witch Doctor is displayed below. Read the dedicated Skills… 3 Changelog. More

Which is the best witch doctor build in Diablo 3?

Raiment of the Jade Harvester was one of the best Witch Doctor builds at Reaper of Souls release. It has its own unique playstyle as it revolves around harvesting Damage over Time (DoT) skills to deal instant damage. The main skill that is played is Haunt in combination with Soul Harvest to instantly consume the DoT effect left on enemies.

How does Jade Harvester work in Diablo 3?

It has its own unique playstyle as it revolves around harvesting Damage over Time (DoT) skills to deal instant damage. The main skill that is played is Haunt in combination with Soul Harvest to instantly consume the DoT effect left on enemies. These effects are further enhanced by Creeping Death and Quetzalcoatl.

When did Jade Harvester patch 2.4 come out?

Patch 2.4 marked the return of Raiment of the Jade Harvester as one of the top tier Witch Doctor playstyles. This bursty, melee range spellcaster playstyle is available in both solo progression (the present guide) and speed farming (see link just below) variations.