Other What is the equivalent of Year 12 in Australia?

What is the equivalent of Year 12 in Australia?

What is the equivalent of Year 12 in Australia?

It is also known as “senior year” in parts of Australia, where it is the final year of compulsory education. Year Twelve in England and Wales, and in New Zealand, is the equivalent of Eleventh grade, junior year, or grade 11 in the US and parts of Canada.

What is equivalent to SACE?

The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is the qualification awarded to students who successfully complete year 12 in Australia. The interstate equivalents are: Western Australia – Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Northern Territory – Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)

What are Year 12 exams called?

The Higher School Certificate (HSC) is the culmination of your school career and the highest educational award you can achieve at secondary school in New South Wales.

What is the GCSE equivalent in Australia?

QUEENSLAND AQF Certificate III & IV is considered to be comparable to NVQ level 2 to 3 (GCSE equivalent) Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) is considered comparable to the overall A Level standard. The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is considered comparable to the overall A Level standard.

Is Year 12 A level?

A-levels are studied across two years: your AS year (Year 12) and your A2 year (Year 13).

How many times can you repeat Year 12?

You can take up to 5 consecutive years to finish your studies, starting from the first year you complete an HSC course. After 5 years, you must have met all HSC requirements. You can repeat one or more courses within the five years (see pathway 1) without a penalty.

What are the equivalent qualifications for Year 10 in Australia?

The table below displays the equivalent qualifications for your country. Secondary School Certificate – pass West African School Certificate or GCE O Levels with passes in 3 subjects with a minimum E grade.

What are the minimum entry requirements for TAFE SA?

In general, the minimum academic entry is: Certificate III course – satisfactory completion of Year 10 or equivalent Certificate IV course – satisfactory completion of Year 11 or equivalent Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree courses – satisfactory completion of Year 12 or equivalent

Which is the best year 12 equivalency certificate?

Matura Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego (Certificate of Matriculation of the General Lyceum) Certificado de Fim de Estudios Secundarios or Diploma de 12 Ano de Escolaridad (Secondary Certificate) Attestat o Srednem (polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary (Complete) General Education) Matayom 6 or MS 6.

How to get SACE equivalence in South Australia?

Contact the SACE Board of South Australia for information on SACE equivalence for interstate or overseas senior secondary and other programs that are considered equivalent to SACE. A range of options are available to adults returning to study to gain a formal qualification or simply for personal interest.